Category: Astrology

Your Astrological Signature – Brigit Esselmont & Ellissa Nagle

Your Astrological Signature – Brigit Esselmont & Ellissa Nagle

In my last blog, I shared the Astrological Signature of Denise Duffield Thomas & Tammy Guest. In this blog I’m sharing the Astrological Signature of Brigit Esselmont & Ellissa Nagle. I want to share more than just my story but stories of other uber-successful entrepreneurs, some of whom are astrology clients of mine, who have […]

Your Astrological Signature Case Studies – Denise & Tammy

Your Astrological Signature Case Studies – Denise & Tammy

Aligning to your Astrological Signature In my last blog I discussed the concept of your Astrological Signature and how aligning to and integrating mine has supported my business. That being said I wanted to share more than just my story but stories of other uber-successful entrepreneurs, some of whom are astrology clients of mine, who […]

Your Astrological Signature

Your Astrological Signature

Your Astrological Signature – The big 3 in Astrology If you have been following me for the last couple of years you will have heard me banging on about Your Astrological Signature. This combination of planets and angles on your chart is often referred to as “the big three” by astrologers and comprises Your Sun […]

Money Astrology: How to determine your money potential in your astrology chart

Money Astrology: How to determine your money potential in your astrology chart

Money Astrology: The Prosperity in your Astrology Chart. My clients are always wanting to know what their potential for money and riches is based on their astrology chart. Looking to our natal astrology chart for indicators of money and prosperity is a complicated business but one that is absolutely possible through money astrology. Our chart […]

Business Astrology – How to use Astrology to align your business with your natural talents.

Business Astrology – How to use Astrology to align your business with your natural talents.

When we think about our calling in Business Astrology we naturally gravitate towards the MC Line and the 10th House. In this blog, I’ll look at Business Astrology including the MC line and the houses in your chart that can provide a hint about your calling or life purpose and how you can align this […]

What is your astrology chart shape?

What is your astrology chart shape?

Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones identified seven major astrology chart shapes, and what each astrology chart shape means. If you want to read about the astrology chart shapes in detail try to find the book by Marc Edmund Jones: The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (Quest Book). Whip out your natal chart and see what your dispersion […]

How to understand the transpersonal astrology houses

How to understand the transpersonal astrology houses

In a recent blog, I covered the personal houses (houses 1-6) and in this blog, I’ll be covering the transpersonal astrology houses (houses 7-12). The Transpersonal Houses mark a shift from being about ourselves and our internal nature to being concerned with our relationships, our careers and our relationship with the rest of society. It’s […]

Menstrual cycles and the moon: Working with your natural cycles

Menstrual cycles and the moon: Working with your natural cycles menstrual cycles and the moon blog 2

As a woman, I have found so much joy in learning more about the Menstrual Cycles and the Moon. It wouldn’t surprise you that I live by the moon and the stars. The astrological cycles and the moon cycle help me to plan everything in my life – from launches to travel to social events […]

The Personal Houses in Astrology

The Personal Houses in Astrology

Next up on the blog, I’m diving into understanding Astrology Houses and their meaning. Just as important as understanding the archetypes of the signs & planets we need to understand Astrology Houses what it means when a planet falls into or a planet transits a particular house. Understanding Astrology Houses In this blog, I’ll be […]

The Social & Transpersonal Planets

The Social & Transpersonal Planets

In my last blog, I looked at the  Personal Planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars). Now it is time to look at what we call the Social & Transpersonal Planets. Much slower moving the Transpersonal planets are more generational in nature with all people born at a certain time born with these planets in […]

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