Category: Astrology

Your Moon sign

Your Moon sign

Your Moon sign through the Zodiac Your Moon sign is a lesser-known astrology concept but one which women often resonate strongly with, in fact, many of my clients feel a stronger connection to their moon sign than their sun sign. And it’s not surprising because our moon sign represents our feminine and emotional nature, our […]

Your Sun Sign

Your Sun Sign

Your sun sign through the Zodiac Signs Most of us know our sun sign – it’s the zodiac sign we learnt as teenagers reading Horoscopes in magazines. But do you really know your sun sign? Let me introduce you – it will be a magical meeting! If you want to learn about the Zodiac archetypes […]

Your Astrological Signature – Brigit Esselmont & Ellissa Nagle

Your Astrological Signature – Brigit Esselmont & Ellissa Nagle

In my last blog, I shared the Astrological Signature of Denise Duffield Thomas & Tammy Guest. In this blog I’m sharing the Astrological Signature of Brigit Esselmont & Ellissa Nagle. I want to share more than just my story but stories of other uber-successful entrepreneurs, some of whom are astrology clients of mine, who have […]

Your Astrological Signature Case Studies – Denise & Tammy

Your Astrological Signature Case Studies – Denise & Tammy

Aligning to your Astrological Signature In my last blog I discussed the concept of your Astrological Signature and how aligning to and integrating mine has supported my business. That being said I wanted to share more than just my story but stories of other uber-successful entrepreneurs, some of whom are astrology clients of mine, who […]

Your Astrological Signature

Your Astrological Signature

Your Astrological Signature – The big 3 in Astrology A combination of planets and angles on your chart that is often referred to as “the big three” by astrologers and comprises Your Sun (Otherwise known as your zodiac sign, horoscope sign), your moon and your rising sign. Many astrologers feel that focusing solely on these […]

The Astrology of Money : How to determine your money potential in your astrology chart

The Astrology of Money : How to determine your money potential in your astrology chart

My clients are always wanting to know what their potential for money and riches is based on their astrology chart. Looking to our natal astrology chart for indicators of money and prosperity is a complicated business but one that is absolutely possible through money astrology. Our chart holds clues to how and when we will […]

Business Astrology – How to use Astrology to align your business with your natural talents.

Business Astrology – How to use Astrology to align your business with your natural talents.

When we think about our calling in Business Astrology we naturally gravitate towards the MC Line and the 10th House. In this blog, I’ll look at Business Astrology including the MC line and the houses in your chart that can provide a hint about your calling or life purpose and how you can align this […]

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