AstroBrand Mastery

Chart a Planetary course to success

Self-Study or join the next live round starting September 25th 2024

AstroBrand Mastery takes your AstroBrand strategy
to celestial heights.

The AstroBrand Mastery Journey

We'll dive into your Mercury, Venus and Mars placements
along with other Astrological Insights

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Mercury Messaging, Venus Vibes & Mars Masterplans

If you're seeking to infuse your brand with the power of the stars, you're in the right place.

In the vast universe of entrepreneurship, your brand is your guiding star, and astrology holds the key to unlocking its full potential.

The AstroBrand Mastery Course is your ticket to harnessing the mystical forces of the cosmos to take your brand to new heights.

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Go deeper than the surface level parts of your AstroBrand and understand your most aligned brand voice, brand values, offerings, niche and action taking style.

How can AstroBrand Mastery help you?


Unlock the Mysteries of Your Brand Voice

Your brand's voice is often overlooked, but it's an invisible force you can tune into to call in your soul clients. Explore the sign of your Mercury and other cosmic indicators to craft a brand voice that resonates deeply with your audience, leaving a lasting impression.


Reveal your authentic brand style & aligned pricing.

Step into the spotlight as your brand's true and authentic self. Uncover the perfect constellation of aligned values, visual style, and pricing to set your brand apart. Radiate with confidence, knowing you're shining in your unique cosmic brilliance.


Unearth your soul-aligned niche and business positioning 

Your business is as unique as your astrology chart, and there's a niche and positioning that's destined just for you. Let astrology unveil the path to your soul-aligned niche, ensuring your business stands out.

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Tap into your Cosmic Action Triad

Your Sun, Moon, and Mars form a cosmic triad that fuels your business endeavours. Gain a profound understanding of this cosmic energy to supercharge your ability to take action in your business. It's the key to unleashing your full potential and propelling your brand to new heights.

What you'll learn


Mercury and Your Brand Voice

In Module 1, you'll:

  • Discover the unique way your brand naturally connects with its audience for clear and confident messaging.
  • Distill your brand's essence into a compelling core message that resonates with your ideal clients and sets you apart.
  • Craft effective marketing strategies that harmonize with your brand’s values and mission.
  • Define and refine your brand voice to ensure consistency and recognition across all platforms and touch points.
  • Leverage your Mercury sign to align your communication strategies with your natural style for a cosmically attuned brand voice.
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Venus and Your Brand's Values & Style

In Module 2, you'll

  • Uncover the inherent charm and attractiveness of your brand to captivate and engage your audience.
  • Ensure your brand's allure and messaging are deeply aligned with its core values for authenticity and integrity.
  • Define a cohesive and visually appealing style aesthetic that reflects your brand's unique personality.
  • Integrate your Venus zodiac sign into your brand's aesthetic using 12 zodiac mood boards for a visually harmonious and astrologically aligned presence.
  • Set aligned pricing based on your Venus sign
  • Plan and execute impactful brand photoshoots with a detailed planning worksheet to capture your brand's essence and allure effectively.
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The MC angle, 2nd House and Your Brand's Niche

In Module 3, you'll:

  • Learn the fundamentals of niche strategy and the innovative AstroNiche model to pinpoint your unique positioning.
  • Identify and leverage your core strengths and talents to differentiate your brand and attract your ideal audience.
  • Discover your Zone of Recognition where your skills and audience needs intersect for maximum impact.
  • Craft a powerful and precise niche statement that clearly defines your brand's unique value and target market.

Mars & your Brand's Action Taking Style

In Module 4, you’ll:

  • Dive deep into your Mars sign and sub-archetype to understand your unique action-taking style
  • Consider what our Mars sign means about our aligned business model (or preferred mode of working) as well as how our soul client takes action
  • Learn a new astrological framework called the Astrological Action-Taking Triad
  • Bring it all together into a vision and 1-year plan for our business

What's included in the course?

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4 live coaching calls

4 weekly live coaching calls are recorded and placed on the member's site for you to watch.

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5 Training Modules

You will receive access to my custom-designed membership site as well as beautiful PDF workbooks to apply your learnings to your own chart.

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Course Community

Join our live course community in the circle platform where we discuss the content and our discoveries and get feedback and advice from course creator Kathryn Hocking.

Your Investment

AstroBrand Mastery Early-Bird (Pay in Full)

$499 USD

  • 4 live coaching calls
  • 5 detailed course modules with PDF modules, instructional videos and resources
  • 5 weeks of course community support

AstroBrand Mastery Early-Bird (Payment Plan)

2 x 275 USD

  • 4 live coaching calls
  • 5 detailed course modules with PDF modules, instructional videos and resources
  • 5 Weeks of course community support
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Are you a soulful and creative entrepreneur who yearns for an easeful and authentic business journey that resonates with your soul?

If you're nodding your head, you're in the right place.

This Program is Designed for You If:

✨ You're a visionary entrepreneur who wants communication strategies tailored to your unique energy and your soul client's needs.

✨ You're ready to delve deep into your brand's core values and style.

✨ You're determined to conquer resistance and make taking action in your business a breeze.

✨ You need help with the best way to connect and communicate with your audience effectively.

✨ You seek guidance from a practical, down-to-earth astrologer who has translated cosmic wisdom into actionable online training.

✨ You crave high-quality training materials that make learning a joy, along with the ability to ask questions and receive unwavering support.

✨ You're a soulful entrepreneur eager to infuse your brand with cosmic wisdom, connect authentically with your audience, and take your business to the next level with ease.

This program does require a basic understanding of astrology including how to identify your placements by sign & house.


Meet Kathryn

your guide to the transformative world of AstroBrand Mastery

Kathryn is your go-to expert for infusing soulful strategy into your brand and business, using astrology as your trusted compass. Her cosmic wisdom will help you brand (or rebrand) your business in a way that's not only strategic but deeply aligned with your core essence.

With a Sagittarius sun, Cancer moon, and Virgo rising, Kathryn embodies optimism, friendliness, sensitivity, nurturing qualities, and an unmatched knack for organization, focus, and planning. Her celestial makeup perfectly complements her mission to help you discover your brand's true essence.

As the proud owner of Pisces Creative Co, Kathryn harnesses the power of astrology to craft divine brands that speak to your soul.

Kathryn is an intuitive and evolutionary astrologer who views astrology as a lifelong journey of dedication and growth. For her, astrology is more than a tool—it's a gateway to uncovering and aligning with your profound soul purpose. It's a means to navigate life's seasons, passages, and transitions with grace and ease, even during the most challenging times.

Join Kathryn on this cosmic adventure, where astrology becomes your key to unlocking the deeper layers of your brand and life's purpose.



Come on a journey with me into the most soul-aligned and easeful manifestation of your business!

Are you ready AstroBrand Mastery?

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