Category: Planning

The Astrological New Year

The Astrological New Year

Have you heard of the astrological new year? According to the traditional Gregorian calendar, the New Year begins on January 1st and this is the ‘best’ time for setting new goals and dreams for the year ahead. But if you look at nature and the universe, you will notice that there are many different cycles […]

The Astrology of 2024

The Astrology of 2024

Have you been wondering what the Astrology of 2024 holds for you? To do this you need to understand the global astrological energies. But first, let’s reflect on the year that was… 2023: Shall we build foundations or get stuck?  2023 saw us return to a new business as usual in a “living with covid” […]

How to pick your word of the year

How to pick your word of the year

For a long time now, I’ve gotten into the practice of picking a word of the year. This is a practice that I do before I set my goals and actions and helps me to decide whether or not a goal or action feels truly good to me. This acts as a guiding force for […]

Sagittarius Season

Sagittarius Season

Have you ever heard people refer to “Sagittarius Season” but not understood sure what it means? Well, Sagittarius season starts when the sun moves into Sagittarius and a number of other personal planets join it during the month-long transit of the sun through Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fire sign and brings a visionary, optimistic, wise, […]

Retrogrades & AstroPlanning: How to AstroPlan your business activities in alignment with planetary retrogrades

Retrogrades & AstroPlanning: How to AstroPlan your business activities in alignment with planetary retrogrades astroplanning with retrogrades

Why should we be concerned with retrogrades and astroplanning ? By understanding the implications of various retrogrades, you can gain foresight and make informed planning decisions. In the realm of astrology, retrogrades are periods when planets appear to move backward in the sky due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. While some […]

How to set soulful and aligned business goals

How to set soulful and aligned business goals

Do you set soulful business goals? For so long in the business world, it feels like strategy and soul have sat on opposite ends of the spectrum. You can’t be a good planner AND be spiritual… You can’t be creative AND organised… You can’t be intuitive AND strategic… But guess what? It’s not true. And […]

How to work with your natural cycles in business

How to work with your natural cycles in business

I really like to achieve my goals in business. I love creating plans and strategies. And I absolutely love taking action. So far, this attitude has been a winner for my business. But believe me when I say… the only way that I’ve been able to achieve my business goals is to align them with my […]

How to work in alignment with the current zodiac sign of the moon

How to work in alignment with the current zodiac sign of the moon

One of the things I love helping entrepreneurs to do is to use astrology to be more in alignment with their (and the universe’s) natural cycles and probably the most impactful way to do this is to align with the zodiac sign of the moon. The moon has a huge impact on humans, especially women, […]

2021: Creative, Financial & Lifestyle Freedom

2021: Creative, Financial & Lifestyle Freedom

In my last blog, I wrote about 2020 and the year that was. In this blog, I want to tell you about my word of the year and my plans for 2021. Theme Word for 2021 I wanted a word for 2021 that embraced the fact that I have moved beyond building the strong structures, […]

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