Hi! I’m Kath

I’m a Business Astrologer & Astrology Teacher

I work with soul-led women (and a few adventurous gents!) to illuminate their soul purpose through their business (or future business!).

This work is truly my passion – nothing lights me up more than helping soulful businesswomen to align their businesses to their astrological blueprint.

CI love to learn and study and over the years in addition to professional degree qualifications I've  attained:

  • Life coaching Certification
  • Certicate 4 in training and assessment
  • Soul & Energy Medicine and Soul Centre Intuitive Certification
  • Natal Astrology Certification
  • Astrocartography Certification
  • Currently completing my diploma in Natal and Mundane Astrology

and many more short courses!

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My life is pretty awesome.

  • I live by the beach with my two gorgeous daughters and wonderful husband.
  • I get to indulge my passion for travel.
  • I get to invest in myself and my business – attending and speaking at divine events, workshops, and retreats around the world.
  • I’ve got the freedom to control my schedule and workload, to work with the ebb and flow of my body, energy, and creativity (and take a random trip to the day spa if I feel the need!).
  • And every day, I get to inspire passionate people to follow their soul, bravely share their gifts with the world, and become the leader they were meant to be.
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What makes me different from the other Astrologers out there?

My three guiding principles are honesty, integrity, and quality.

I believe in creating beautiful offerings that take you on an amazing experience - because business should be beautiful and soulful.

I blend strategy and soul in a really practical and down-to-earth way and I want you to create a business that is sustainable - i.e. it doesn't leave you a year or two down the track totally burnt out!

I'm not into the internet marketing schtick, I want to teach you how to build a premium, quality business that will support you and your family well into the future.

Very few business strategists bring the wealth of skills that I do from proven experience in creating and launching million-dollar courses, grounded soulful and spiritual techniques, and astrology expertise.

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I have developed my own Astrology methods to help women entrepreneurs be brave, be visible, and launch their soul work.

I am a practicing business astrologer and use this as a primary tool with my clients. I teach entrepreneurs Business Astrology so that they can bring it into their own business offerings.

I have also created a world-first Business Astrology Oracle Deck (recently picked up by Hay House) as a supportive intuitive tool to support your business journey.

I have also developed my own proprietary AstroBranding method.

I help my clients and students to find the bravery to launch their soul work in a BIG way by aligning with their astrological blueprint and true soul purpose.

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If you want the up-close-and-personal details…

  • I love bad reality TV (think Real Housewives + The Bachelor) – I'm ever so highbrow.
  • I’m slightly obsessed with organizing my in-box 
  • My secret dream (that I still intend on pursuing even if it takes me ‘til I'm 95 to get it done) is to see every country in the world
  • I've realized that I'm not doing anyone any favors if I am not following my soul and being true to who I really am
  • I’m an ocean-loving Sagittarius, with an (extreme) Virgo rising who likes to get sh*t done and a Cancer moon (making me part homebody, part globetrotter - all organization).
  • I’m also an introvert, yet I thrive on running live workshops and leading small groups as well as speaking on stage to large groups. (I’m a creature of contradictions!)
  • Freedom is my highest value and I need a lot of white space in my life to feel balanced.
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If I could leave you with just one thing, it would be this:

Let go of your fears, doubts, and anxieties, and just take the leap – Dare to dream. Launch your soul work. The universe loves action and will provide opportunities you can't even imagine.

And if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that passion, purpose, and a hefty dose of bravery will get you anywhere.

Connecting with passionate creative people – yep, just like you – is what has me leaping out of bed each morning and eager to jump on the computer. If you’d like to explore the world of Business Astrology you can check out my blog.

Thanks so much for swinging by!

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