Category: Business Astrology

How to use Astrology to determine the most aligned offerings in your business 

How to use Astrology to determine the most aligned offerings in your business 

One of the things I love to do most is mentor clients to use Astrology to determine the most aligned offerings in their business. Because when our business is aligned with our (or its) natural energy we have more clarity and more ease and we can let go of all the shoulds like “I should […]

List Building Strategies: How to Design an Irresistible Free Opt-In for Your Business Using Astrology

List Building Strategies: How to Design an Irresistible Free Opt-In for Your Business Using Astrology

Every online business needs a compelling free opt-in as its primary list building strategy. If you’re reading this blog, chances are you either need to decide what yours should be or you want to check whether the one you created is achieving what you need it to. A free opt-in, also called a Lead Generator, […]

Jupiter in Gemini: Expanding Horizons and Unlocking Potential in Your Business

Jupiter in Gemini: Expanding Horizons and Unlocking Potential in Your Business

Jupiter has recently moved into Gemini for its 13-month transit through the sign ending on June 9th 2025. I have been waiting years for this transit as my natal MC angle is in Gemini, my business has a Gemini stellium, and my primary goal this year is getting my book proposal accepted – a Geminiesque […]

Discovering Your Astrological Superpower: Embracing What Sets You Apart as seen through your Rising Sign

Discovering Your Astrological Superpower: Embracing What Sets You Apart as seen through your Rising Sign

In 2016, I made a monumental mistake—I rejected my innate rising sign astrological superpower. Based on others’ reactions, I deemed it dull or even undesirable. Consequently, I attempted to be someone I was not, which cost me dearly in my business. By rejecting my rising sign astrological superpower, my clients lost what they loved most […]

Finding the Right Mastermind according to Astrology

Finding the Right Mastermind according to Astrology mastermind according to astrology

In the online business world, mastermind groups have become mainstays of business success and transformation. However, not all masterminds are created equal, and finding the right mastermind according to your astrology can be pivotal for your business growth. By turning to astrology, we can uncover insightful clues about what type of mastermind aligns best with […]

10 Ways Astrology can help you through a business transition

10 Ways Astrology can help you through a business transition

I get a lot of clients coming to me when they are going through a personal and business transition. Sometimes it is a full-scale awakening, other times it is after they emerge from the “having babies bubble”, and often it is around the mid-life crisis transits (hint. These start earlier and go longer than your […]

5 interesting uses of business astrology

5 interesting uses of business astrology

You might be wondering what the uses of business astrology are and if it is something you want to add to your astrology toolkit. As I write this I have just sold my first ten places in my Advanced Business Astrology Certification. I know that these will be the first 10 of many and I […]

How to Decipher Your Business Astrology Birth Chart & unlock your business’s full potential

How to Decipher Your Business Astrology Birth Chart & unlock your business’s full potential business birth chart

The ultimate guide to interpreting your business astrology birth chart Are you looking for new ways to unlock the potential of your business – have you considered your business astrology birth chart? Would you like to tap into a powerful and soulful tool that can help you navigate the entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities ahead?  Look […]

What type of business according to astrology are you most suited to?

What type of business according to astrology are you most suited to?

Have you ever wondered what type of business according to astrology would most suit you? You are not alone, entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to astrology for guidance. Astrology and business may seem like unlikely bedfellows, but there is a growing understanding that cosmic forces influence our entrepreneurial journey. From finding the perfect timing for launching […]

Business Astrology Chart

Business Astrology Chart

Today, I want to look at another great way Astrology can help you in your business: creating a business astrology chart. If you need to brush up on the basics of astrology charts, check out this blog first. Creating a business astrology chart  Creating a business astrology chart is not dissimilar to creating a birth […]

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