Category: The Entrepreneurial Life

How to use Astrology to determine the most aligned offerings in your business 

How to use Astrology to determine the most aligned offerings in your business 

One of the things I love to do most is mentor clients to use Astrology to determine the most aligned offerings in their business. Because when our business is aligned with our (or its) natural energy we have more clarity and more ease and we can let go of all the shoulds like “I should […]

Finding the Right Mastermind according to Astrology

Finding the Right Mastermind according to Astrology mastermind according to astrology

In the online business world, mastermind groups have become mainstays of business success and transformation. However, not all masterminds are created equal, and finding the right mastermind according to your astrology can be pivotal for your business growth. By turning to astrology, we can uncover insightful clues about what type of mastermind aligns best with […]

What is a Mastermind?

What is a Mastermind?

Have you ever pondered the power of a mastermind? Surprisingly, many haven’t fully grasped its transformative potential. So, let’s illuminate the essence of a mastermind before I share my mastemind with you. Napoleon Hill, in his timeless masterpiece “Think and Grow Rich,” defined a mastermind as: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of […]

The Astrological New Year

The Astrological New Year

Have you heard of the astrological new year? According to the traditional Gregorian calendar, the New Year begins on January 1st and this is the ‘best’ time for setting new goals and dreams for the year ahead. But if you look at nature and the universe, you will notice that there are many different cycles […]

Your Progressed Sun – how to harness sign and house changes

Your Progressed Sun – how to harness sign and house changes

Today, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of what to do when your progressed sun has changed signs and how it can impact your essential essence, vitality, and how you are meant to shine. Understanding what it means when Your Progressed Sun has changed signs Your progressed sun serves as a window into your evolved […]

How to Decipher Your Business Astrology Birth Chart & unlock your business’s full potential

How to Decipher Your Business Astrology Birth Chart & unlock your business’s full potential business birth chart

The ultimate guide to interpreting your business astrology birth chart Are you looking for new ways to unlock the potential of your business – have you considered your business astrology birth chart? Would you like to tap into a powerful and soulful tool that can help you navigate the entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities ahead?  Look […]

Astrology and your business: Are your fears holding you back?

Astrology and your business: Are your fears holding you back?

Let’s get real bringing a spiritual service like Astrology into your business. Many of my clients are scared of bringing astrology into their business in an overt way. They are scared of what it will mean to bring a spiritual service like astrology into their business. So what is FEAR anyway? Well, when I got […]

How to use astrology to make money in a new or existing business

How to use astrology to make money in a new or existing business

A lot of my clients come to me because they want to integrate astrology into their existing business or they want to create a new astrology-based business. They want to know how to make money using astrology services or products. There are lots of reasons why they want to do this but typically it is […]

The Astrology of 2024

The Astrology of 2024

Have you been wondering what the Astrology of 2024 holds for you? To do this you need to understand the global astrological energies. But first, let’s reflect on the year that was… 2023: Shall we build foundations or get stuck?  2023 saw us return to a new business as usual in a “living with covid” […]

How to pick your word of the year

How to pick your word of the year

For a long time now, I’ve gotten into the practice of picking a word of the year. This is a practice that I do before I set my goals and actions and helps me to decide whether or not a goal or action feels truly good to me. This acts as a guiding force for […]

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