Category: Transits

Pluto in Aquarius – Change is coming

Pluto in Aquarius – Change is coming

Pluto has moved back into Aquarius which is astrologically significant as it has been in Capricorn since late 2008. When Pluto enters a new sign, everything about the way we view our lives and our society as a whole changes in unprecedented ways.  When was Pluto in Aquarius last? The last time Pluto was in […]

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus

On May 16, 2023, Jupiter ends its stay in the sign of Aries and moves into Taurus, where it will stay until May 25, 2024. Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, and expansion and was known by ancient astrologers as the greater benefic (or the luckiest planet).  When Jupiter enters the earthy and grounded […]

Jupiter Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

Jupiter Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

We will experience the direct Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on the 12th of April 2022 at 24 degrees Pisces.  The Sabian Symbol for this Jupiter Neptune conjunction. The Sabian symbols describe the 24th degree of Pisces as “The tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean, but its happy inhabitants have created a world all of their […]

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