What is Astrobranding ?

What is Astrobranding ?

One of my absolute favorite applications of astrology is Astrobranding. Astrobranding is a powerful process that combines the well-established Branding Archetypes that many Branding specialists and designers worldwide use and applies them to zodiac signs. Perfectly, there are 12 main branding archetypes and 12 main zodiac archetypes, so combining branding archetypes and astrology is a […]

Astrology Branding: What colour should you brand your business based on your astrology sign?

Astrology Branding: What colour should you brand your business based on your astrology sign?

I often get asked, “How should I brand my business to align with my astrology?”. Unfortunately, it’s not a simple answer! Firstly, why should we even care about aligning our branding with Astrology? Good branding elevates your brand, positions your services as desirable, and draws clients to you. So imagine for a second if your […]

Discovering Your Astrological Superpower: Embracing What Sets You Apart as seen through your Rising Sign

Discovering Your Astrological Superpower: Embracing What Sets You Apart as seen through your Rising Sign

In 2016, I made a monumental mistake—I rejected my innate rising sign astrological superpower. Based on others’ reactions, I deemed it dull or even undesirable. Consequently, I attempted to be someone I was not, which cost me dearly in my business. By rejecting my rising sign astrological superpower, my clients lost what they loved most […]

What does it mean when Pluto is in Retrograde?

What does it mean when Pluto is in Retrograde?

Pluto is in Retrograde from May 2nd to October 12th 2024. Firstly what is a retrograde?  A retrograde is when a planet appears to turn backward in the sky. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit.  All the major planets (excluding the luminaries – the sun and the moon) go […]

Finding the Right Mastermind according to Astrology

Finding the Right Mastermind according to Astrology mastermind according to astrology

In the online business world, mastermind groups have become mainstays of business success and transformation. However, not all masterminds are created equal, and finding the right mastermind according to your astrology can be pivotal for your business growth. By turning to astrology, we can uncover insightful clues about what type of mastermind aligns best with […]

Stretch Not Stress: How to pick a mastermind

Stretch Not Stress: How to pick a mastermind

If you’re a regular round these parts, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of mastermind programs. But how do you pick a mastermind? Over the years, I’ve been part of a number of different mastermind groups, and I can safely say that they’ve played a massive role in my success and in the way […]

Mercury Retrograde in 2024

Mercury Retrograde in 2024

Mercury goes retrograde approximately three times a year and in 2024 is in Retrograde from: Firstly what is a retrograde?  A retrograde is when a planet appears to turn backward in the sky. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit.  All the major planets (excluding the luminaries – the sun […]

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