One of my absolute favorite applications of astrology is Astrobranding.

Astrobranding is a powerful process that combines the well-established Branding Archetypes that many Branding specialists and designers worldwide use and applies them to zodiac signs. Perfectly, there are 12 main branding archetypes and 12 main zodiac archetypes, so combining branding archetypes and astrology is a match made in heaven.


However, aligning brand archetypes with the zodiac signs is just the beginning because our brand is so much more than picking the brand archetype that matches our sun sign or zodiac sign.

Astrobranding ™ is my proprietary framework that takes Brand and Astrological Archetypes and your birth or business chart to delve deeper than you ever thought possible into your soul-aligned brand.

There are other astrologers and branding specialists out there who are already combining branding and astrology. However, we all have a somewhat different approach to how we do it, and not all of them have combined the brand archetypes with astrology archetypes as I have.

I developed the Astrobranding Archetype Map framework in 2019, creating brand mood boards for each of the 12 astrology archetypes. I taught students this framework through my Your AstroBrand Map and Mastermind programs.

What does my Astrobranding Archetype Map Framework consider?

AstroBrand Map

Your Business Essence – how you shine and your purpose in the world

Your Allure – How others see you and how to show up as an authentic version of this and draw them to you

Your Connection – How you can connect most authentically with your soul clients through an aligned brand voice and copy

Your Soul Clients – Who your soul clients are (this might surprise you) and how to reflect this in your brand so they are magnetized to you.

Any other significant archetypes that need to be part of your aligned brand based on my assessment of your natal or business astrology chart.

How can Astrobranding help you?

Create an Authentic Brand

Astrobranding will give you the confidence to show up as the true version of yourself and your business because you will see it right there in your chart.

Astrobranding will enable you to stop being who you think you should be or trying to play a role that doesn’t fit and instead be who you are meant to be.

A great example of this is when I first created my (now retired) program, Launch Mastery. It was my first foray into a more spiritually influenced program, and I felt like I had to brand myself and the program in an “uber spiritual” way. I had some photos taken and selected clothes with lots of crystals, spiritual poses, and what I thought a “spiritual person” should wear.

But it never felt right because it wasn’t me. It wasn’t aligned with my AstroBrand, which has a hefty dose of the Virgo Archetype, which is about a more classic, simple, and understated style.

Had I understood Astrobranding then, I wouldn’t have made this mistake.

Now, don’t get me wrong—I love crystals, and I still have some brand photos with more spiritual-looking poses, but my outfits, demeanor, and energy are totally aligned rather than trying to be someone I am not.

Another interesting Astrobranding story is that I have always gravitated towards some sort of pink in my branding – in its many iterations. If I haven’t had it, something has felt ‘off’. This is because my AstroBrand also has strong Cancer and Libra energy, with pink being one of the colors for these astrology archetypes!

Astrobranding reflects what your clients love about you

Astrobranding ™ also helps you to understand what others LOVE about you and how to align your brand and business with this drawcard for business growth.

I mentioned above that I had been denying my Virgo archetype in my brand. That’s a problem because that’s what people love about me. My systems, organization, sense of service, attention to detail, love of quality, and grounded healer vibes.

As I went through my spiritual awakening, I wanted to release all of my more masculine energy and float away in the cosmos. I studied soul and energy medicine, astrology, and other spiritual topics. 

However, my clients come to me for my business brain, my strategy, my ability to help them feel held and taken care of, and my ability to hold them accountable. So, my brand and offerings must have this Virgo energy to succeed.

Astrobranding attracts your Soul Clients.

Astrobranding also helps you connect more deeply with your soul clients without completing long ideal client questionnaires! This has to be one of the aspects of AstroBranding that I love the most because it can be really eye-opening. 

My soul clients are the Pisces archetype—this doesn’t necessarily mean they are a Pisces sun, but it means that they are likely highly creative, soulful, or spiritual. They can also tend to find it hard to create systems and structures for themselves, which is where I come in.

Through astrology and business coaching, I help them work in a way that still allows for creative flow and helps them identify the best times for certain activities.

My brand has to speak to their Pisces soul.

Finally, Astrobranding provides you with direction to move forward

Once you understand your AstroBrand, you can confidently engage a designer to brand (or rebrand) your business or create your branding with a custom color palette and mood board to start the process. 

So often, we either end up with branding we don’t like or get stuck and don’t get started at all because we are not clear about what we want. 

AstroBranding will give you that clarity.

Client Example – Arcane Agency

Nicola Dore and I used Astrobranding ™ to develop her new business branding.

Nicola is a Leo sun and Gemini Moon and Rising (double Gemini).

Based on this, we determined that her brand should be bold, bright, and adventurous.

We looked at the colors for these signs and found the common color Blue and a vibrant color mix overall. 

In the end, Nicola chose the name “Arcane Agency” with a Secret Agent come MadMen style inspiration and honestly, these days I couldn’t imagine anything else.

Her brand voice is fun and witty.

Throughout the process, she was blown away by how the Astrobranding ™ framework was consistent with the mood boards she had already created, even down to the shade of blue she had already selected. This process gave her confidence and helped her align even more.

The branding design was done by The Golden Goose Consulting & Indie Lime.

Want more?

Check out my course, Your AstroBrand Map

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