Your Astrological Healing Gifts

Your Astrological Healing Gifts Astrological Healing Gifts

We all have specific astrological healing gifts as seen through our natal charts and the first place to look is at Chiron in our chart. Chiron – the healer in you Chiron in our Natal chart represents our greatest wound in this lifetime as well as our path to healing. It is a portal or […]

Your Astrological Soul

Your Astrological Soul

Your Astrological Soul is the name I have given the Outer Planets + Chiron. The outer planets are comprised of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and they are sometimes referred to as “transpersonal” or  “Soul Planets” as they are less personal and more generational or collective in nature.  Whole generations are born with these planets in […]

Setting aligned New Moon Intentions

Setting aligned New Moon Intentions

Working with the moon cycles has gained popularity enormously over the last 10 years especially setting New Moon Intentions. That’s not to say that it is a new practice, quite the opposite – it’s a sacred and ancient one. However, working with your natural cycles – both menstrual and lunar has grown in popularity, and […]

Jupiter in Pisces: A glimpse of 2022

Jupiter in Pisces: A glimpse of 2022 Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter is in Aquarius for most of 2021 however for a few short months it dips its toes into the energy of Pisces almost like a practice round for 2022! Jupiter will be in Pisces from the 14th May-28th July 2021 travelling from 0-2 degrees and back again. Jupiter has not been here since 2010. […]

Progressed Moon through the 12 Houses

Progressed Moon through the 12 Houses

I recently wrote a blog about your progressed moon through the signs. As a refresher, your progressed moon is about your evolved emotional needs. The progressed moon does not replace the needs of your natal moon but it brings a shorter-term additional layer to your emotional needs that is present in your life for around […]

Your Progressed Moon through the Signs

Your Progressed Moon through the Signs Progressed moon through the signs

Your progressed moon tells us about your progressed emotional needs and can be super helpful when planning your year. I previously wrote a blog explaining progressions which you can read here. Your progressed moon is about your evolved emotional needs. The progressed moon does not replace the needs of your natal moon but it brings […]

How I saved my struggling Biz

How I saved my struggling Biz

This blog is about how I brought my struggling biz back from the brink. So if you have been following me for a while you may know that around 4 years ago I ran into some troubles in my business. To make a long story short my business was doing OK, not at its peak […]

The 11th House and what it means about Friendships & Community

The 11th House and what it means about Friendships & Community The 11th house

As I started writing this blog I was sitting in the Qantas airport lounge waiting for my first plane trip since Covid hit over 12 months ago.  My gorgeous girlfriend Denise Duffield-Thomas who coincidentally I was on my last plane trip with (when we went on retreat to Fiji together) invited me, and a number […]

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