Uranus Retrogrades from 29th August 2023 -27th January 2024.

Firstly what is a retrograde? 

A retrograde is when a planet appears to turn backward in the sky. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. 

All the major planets (excluding the luminaries – the sun and the moon) go retrograde from time to time.

When planets go retrograde the impact of the planet changes and the type of activities that are recommended change too.

Uranus Retrograde

What is a Uranus Retrograde all about?

Uranus is the planet of Freedom and Rebellion and is ruled by the sign of Aquarius – and the 11th house of Community, Friends, Hopes, and Dreams.

Uranus represents where we want to rebel against the status quo, where we seek freedom, and where we can experience sudden ups and downs.

It is considered to be a planet that can go either way – sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Uranus is all about ensuring that we don’t let our souls wither and die. Without Uranus’ unexpected energy, it’s dark night of the soul, many of us would simply stay in our comfort zones and status quo never knowing anything better.

But Uranus is not having that and will push us to transcend these self-imposed boundaries – sometimes in chaos for a while in order to shine a light on something better – the pleasure in the pain, the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Uranus can be thought of as the Great Awakener – as a bolt of lightning with the power to give an intuitive bolt of knowing.

Uranus will vacillate unexpectedly between breakdown and breakthrough, ups and downs, feast and famine, and will bring to consciousness the things that we have been afraid to admit to ourselves but that we need to confront.

This is why Uranus is known as the awakener or a wake-up call (sometimes brutal in nature but always in our highest good)

During a Uranus Retrograde, we may have a more objective and cooler approach to the things we need to transform.

During the Uranus retrograde period, we get a respite from the volatile nature of Uranus’s energy – it becomes manageable and we can take the lessons we need and do something with them.

A Uranus retrograde will ask us to liberate ourselves from the ties that bind us. It is really about deciding what you want to let go of and what you want to hold onto fiercely as something you value for your future. 

By the time Uranus turns direct we will be feeling free to go after what we truly desire

Where is Uranus Retrograde in your chart?

Where is Uranus trying to liberate you? Check out where it is in your chart when it retrogrades from 23-19 Taurus and take note of any other natal planets around these degrees.

If you are not sure what the different houses represent then check out my FREE astrology basics course.

What might the position of Uranus Retrograde in 2022 mean for you?

In which part of your life do you need to rebel and seek freedom?

For me, it is in my 8th House of Sex, Shared Money, Power, and the Underworld and it is opposite my natal Mercury.

Oh boy, it might be a bit of a ride! 

My gut feeling is that this relates to the publishing projects I am working on with Hay House – both the relaunch of my Oracle Deck and a book proposal that I am working on.

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