Tag: rising sign

What to Do When Your Rising Sign Doesn’t feel Aligned

What to Do When Your Rising Sign Doesn’t feel Aligned

I often have clients come to me saying, “My rising sign doesn’t feel aligned. I just don’t resonate with it.” If this is you, read on and I’ll explain why this is and what you can do about it. For those of you who don’t know, your rising sign is the zodiac sign on your […]

Discovering Your Astrological Superpower: Embracing What Sets You Apart as seen through your Rising Sign

Discovering Your Astrological Superpower: Embracing What Sets You Apart as seen through your Rising Sign

In 2016, I made a monumental mistake—I rejected my innate rising sign astrological superpower. Based on others’ reactions, I deemed it dull or even undesirable. Consequently, I attempted to be someone I was not, which cost me dearly in my business. By rejecting my rising sign astrological superpower, my clients lost what they loved most […]

Your Rising Sign through the Zodiac

Your Rising Sign through the Zodiac rising sign through the zodiac

Acclaimed Astrologer Steven Forrest describes your Rising Sign as “A stained glass window through which the light of your inner sun shines”. Our Rising Sign is also known as our Ascendant as it is the sign that sits on our AC angle on our birth chart or the cusp of our first house Your Rising […]

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