The Journey so far for the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy

It has been an exciting year for the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy with the brand and academy launching and two new programs being launched.

The Academy at last count has 57 paying members and a community of women who are excited to go on the astrology journey to align their business and learn business astrology.

I have written 21 astrology blogs and consistently shared astrology titbits and bite-sized education on my Instagram page. I also created an extensive Pinterest Library on Astrology topics.

This blog will give you a heads up for the plans for 2020 and beyond so that you can decide how and when you engage with the academy (if at all!).

embodied soul astrology academy

The Embodied Soul Astrology Academy Programs for 2020

In 2020 another three courses will be launched, these courses will depth what has been covered in Your Astrological Signature and are:

Your Astrological Style – Covering integrating and aligning yourself and your business to your Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn placement.

Your Astrological Soul – Covering integrating and aligning yourself and your business to your Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Uranus placement.

Your Astrological Purpose – covering the Lunar Nodes and what they mean about your past lives, karma and soul purpose in this lifetime.

So by the end of 2020 we will have covered all the major planets and luminaries!

The Embodied Soul Astrology Academy Launch Plan for 2020

In January, I will be launching a bundle of all 5 courses with a 35% discount. This is the best discount that you will see all year and there will be a number of payment plan options.

In early February, Foundations of Astrology will launch with a living mentoring call.

In February I’ll be promoting B-School with some of the courses offered as one of my bonuses so hold tight if you want to join Marie Forleo’s B-School.

In March and April, Your Astrological Signature will launch again and run live over 5 weeks.

In May and June Your Astrological Style will launch and run live over 6 weeks.

In July, August & September Your Astrological Soul will launch and run live for 5 weeks.

In Mid-September Your Astrological Purpose will launch and run live for 4 weeks.

In Mid-November, my Planning Program Your Soulful Year will launch as a self-study program for 2021.

Bundles & Discounts

I offer bundles of courses with each launch with a generous discount and early birds for the specific course being launched.

For example, there will be a bundle for Foundations of Astrology & Your Astrological Signature of 30% off and Your Astrological Signature only will be 25% off during the early-bird.

The bundle offered in January for all courses for 2020 will be the best discount for the year of 35%.

What does 2021 hold for the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy?

At this stage, in 2021 I will launch the following new programs under the Academy:

The AstroBranding Archetype Map (detailed course teaching branding with astrology – we cover the introduction to this in Your Astrological Signature)

The AstroPlanning Formula (using astrology for short and long term business planning)

Tentative: depending on schedule I may also launch a Transits & Forecasting course or this may be offered in early 2022 OR as part of the AstroPlanning Formula.

What does 2022 hold?

My end goal is a business astrology certification delivered over 2-3 years. So any courses you enroll in will count towards this certification but you will need to participate in assessment for each course to gain the certification (such as quizzes and chart reading assessments).

This will likely be delivered in a year-long certification program including coaching, community and with an additional fee for the assessment.

The costing model for the full certification is still to be determined but be assured that what you have already paid will be credited off any certification program fee.

My intention is for the first cohort of certification students to go through in 2022 and will include some business specific topics such as reading charts for clients, business and launch astrology techniques, astrology tools and systems to support your work and discovering your astrology specialty and point of difference. This will likely including a community component and an optional retreat.

Are you joining me on the journey?

I hope you are as excited as I am about the journey and I’d love to work with you over the next year (or longer) to build your knowledge of yourself, align your business and perhaps certify as a business astrologer!

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