Every year I write a year in review post. Some years have been easier to write than others but I can honestly say that I sit here writing this year’s feeling empowered, blessed for the year that was and excited for all 2020 and the new decade will bring.

year in review kathryn hocking

2019 was a year of foundations, doing the unsexy work of blogging regularly, sending newsletters, writing new content for my mistressmind program each month and creating and launching two new astrology programs and the container for my future work – the embodied soul astrology academy.

I could have easily not done this work, given into fear, not-enoughness and resistance and decided that the world didn’t need my take on business astrology.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I took things step by step, day by day, week by week, month by month. And slowly but surely I built my vision – a vision I can be proud of.

2019 was simply about doing the work. 

The energy of 2019


I was in a personal 3 year which can best be described as:

Vibrations: Blossoming, Expansion, Opportunities, Creativity, Joy, Abundance, Power, Encouragement, Social Expansion & Creative Success.

If you want to find out what year it is for you and how you can best work with it check out Your Soulful Year Online Workshop.


My major transit in 2019 was a Pluto square Pluto transit which will continue throughout 2020.

I’m still feeling into what this transit is all about for me but the last few years have seen some major events centered around claiming my power and independence and being true to myself.

Pluto square Pluto asks you to release what doesn’t serve you and what is holding you back.

If you would like to learn how to work with astrology to understand why you are feeling the way you are and what is going on for you astrologically then check out my year ahead reading.

My 2019 Theme Words

My main word for the year was Empowered and this really directed my decisions in both my business and personal life. It was about reclaiming my power and feeling powerful again. Not putting up with less that I deserve and having my actions reflect the life I want to create for myself and my family.

Supporting Themes

Grounded Stability – allowing my good work on our finances to support me moving forward to feel safe, protected and empowered.
Vision & Clarity – honing in on my vision and clarity about where I am going and what I am building.
Soul Purpose & Depth – staying true to my soul path and depthing in it.
Choice & Freedom – feeling free and like I have choice in life whilst still creating structures and boundaries that support me.
Radiant & Sovereign – Shining my light, standing in my leadership and feeling like a sovereign queen in my life and business.

If you would like to create something similar to the above for 2020 then check out Your Soulful Year

Overview of 2019

embodied soul astrology academy

Building the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy

In 2019 I established my new training academy and I launched my first two courses Foundations of Astrology & Your Astrological Signature. We have 57 paying students and a full curriculum for 2020, read this blog for more info.

Running my Mistressmind

your soulful biz

I ran my Soulful Biz Mistressmind, that focused on applying astrology to your business and aligning with your astrology blueprint. This was a big commitment both from myself and my participants with 9 training modules created in 2019 and regularly coaching my amazing participants. It has been absolutely amazing to support these women over an entire year and has brought me such joy.

Clarity Sessions

I did a lot of business coaching in 2019 and the majority was through my one-off Pick my Brain Clarity sessions.  I love being able to help people with their biggest questions, blocks and concerns and get them moving again and I think it appeals because it is a low investment way to get my brain on your business. If you’d like a longer term option get in touch about my 3-month coaching options that are custom packaged to your needs!

Astrology Readings

I did a heap of astrology readings in 2019 including Natal Chart Readings, Year Ahead Readings, Business Chart Readings (including picking the best date to launch) as well as mini Your Astrological Signature Readings.

I absolutely love doing astrology readings for clients and helping them to join the dots of their life and to make changes (big or small) to align their life and business to their cosmic signature. What is really cool is having clients come back for a year ahead reading for next year!

And when your friends who are also amazing entrepreneurs (looking at you Denise Duffield Thomas and Tammy Guest) become regular astrology clients you know you are doing something right.

Your Soulful Year 2020

My Your Soulful Year Online Course has become something that my ongoing clients look forward to each year. It’s a beautifully simple yet powerful process and I describe it as a business retreat in a box – so I was thrilled to launch it again in 2020 and bring in Astrology content to make it even better.


In February 2019 I did what I’d call my first official paid speaking gig at Tammy Guests amazing Natex event (I’ll be speaking there again in 2020) and since then I have done paid speaking gigs at Wild Success Live in Byron Bay and the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) event in Sydney.

I was so resistant to being a paid speaker for so long but now that I’ve opened this door I’ve discovered that I love it and it is part of how I truly shine.

Writing my book

You may have seen me mention writing a book before. I actually wrote 20k words of a book that I am currently not progressing. That being said whilst in Europe, I put together a book about my Soulful Launching methodology and in December 2019 I lovingly handed it over to a structural editor to help me get it in the right form to submit to book publishers. I hope to share more about this with you in 2020!

Best Moments

// Having my new photoshoot with Kaitlin Rees in the Gold Coast and feeling like a total model.

// Having the branding created for the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy

your astrological signature branding

// Giving my personal brand website a revamp

// Hanging out with my biz bestie Denise Duffield Thomas and speaking alongside her at not one but two amazing events and then hanging out with another biz bestie Tammy Guest at another two events – seriously these ladies lift me up in business and life.

// Doing a business coaching session and then a review and set of recommendations for Denise’s Money Bootcamp program and membership site.

// Spending a week in Lake Como in Italy exploring gorgeous little villages by day and writing my signature e-course program by night

// Launching Your Astrological Signature not knowing how it would be received and having an amazing launch as well as incredible feedback from students about how the program has helped them.

your astrological signature

// Releasing my book to the hands of my editor

// Deciding to attend an amazing event in Fiji in Feb 2020 with my biz besties Denise & Tammy where I’ll get to meet Elizabeth Gilbert!

Big Lessons

To be more discerning and trust my gut about who I book business experiences with after having a retreat I thought I was attending in Lake Como, Italy get canceled at the last minute after all flights, accommodation and other expenses had been paid.

Busting Through Blocks

I had a few significant blocks to work through in 2019 (don’t we all!).

  • Moving past the sense of stigma associated with using and teaching astrology. I use it daily and completely believe in it. I love talking about Astrology to people who are drawn to it but owning it in less accepting groups of people or even just introducing myself as an “Astrologer” was challenging for me.
  • Expecting the results and momentum that I had after 3 or 4 years of specializing in e-Courses when I’d only been truly focused on Astrology for a year or less – patience my dear!
  • The stigma I put on myself about running my business AND doing corporate work – what would people think/say, what did it mean about me? Would I ever be full-time in my business again? All these things were challenging for me but I’ve ended the year feeling more balanced, stable, focused and I’m thriving more than ever before.

Business Success Secrets in 2019

I like to see every year that I am in business as a success – and you should too! So here are the things that I think had the most impact on my year.

  • Blogging is still an amazing traffic generator for me and blogging on astrology topics, creating my astrology basics guide and creating targeted nurture sequences really paid off. My top five blogs (based on traffic) are all astrology topics.
  • Being active on Pinterest and sharing great content there drove a lot of additional traffic to my offerings
  • Nurturing my smaller but engaged following on Instagram with weekly educational posts

Biggest Challenges

  • Juggling parenting with my husband who also works full-time with one child in kindy and one in school and all the kid’s germs and dramas – much harder than running a business!
  • Finding the time every week to be consistent and meet my commitments and goals in the business – I’ll share more about my process to ensure this happens in late January next year.
  • Being patient and trusting that the academy would grow in time and my following would adapt and attract the right people

What I actually did this year!

  • Worked on one of Australia’s largest digital transformation programs as their Training & Development specialist
  • Launched the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy and two astrology programs: Foundations of Astrology & Your Astrological Signature
  • Provided strategic consulting services for Denise Duffield Thomas’s Money Bootcamp & Money Archetypes programs
  • Created & Launched my Astrology Readings
  • Coached countless business clients
  • Did oodles of astrology readings
  • Created monthly astrology training for my Mistressmind
  • Traveled through Europe for 2 weeks on a writing retreat
  • Submitted a 50k book manuscript to an editor/publisher
  • Wrote over 25 blogs
  • Sent (on average) fortnightly newsletters
  • Shared Astrology education over on Instagram every week
  • Built my Pinterest page to approx 70k visitors a month

What’s Next?

So that was my 2019! Look out for my next blog that looks forward to 2020 and what you can expect from me.

From my family to yours Happy New Year – May it be all you wish for and more!

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