What does Venus represent in Astrology?
Venus is one of the faster moving planets also known as the “inner planets”.
Venus is the Seductress – the planet of love, values and receptivity.
The sign and house that your Venus is in will indicate things such as what you are drawn to and what you value, your receptivity to abundance, your desires and how you attract and magnetise others to you.

Your Venus placement may also indicate how you are in love (and lust!) and Venus represents what you find attractive, sexy, lovable and valuable in others.
Often misrepresented to be about marriage – Venus is about the young and independent woman, love affairs and shorter term relationships whilst Juno is the Asteroid which represents marriage and childbirth.
Venus and the Moon are the two main feminine archetypes in traditional astrology and they are psychological opposites. The moon needs to belong to a family or group and have roots and Venus needs to express herself and find pleasure in herself. Liz Greene states that Venus “expresses an absolute power of attraction not because of what she has to offer (nurturing, care, dependability) but because of who she is”.
We can apply Venus to our business because it helps us to understand our core business value, how we can best attract abundance and receive and how we can magnetise our soul clients to us.
My Venus Astrology:
Aligning to my Venus placement in Scorpio helped me to:
// Understand that I am most receptive through my personal brand and using my core skills to create resources.
// Appreciate that the best way for me to attract wealth and abundance is to show up authentically as a deep, passionate and transformative soulful coach and to speak, write and teach.
// embrace my inner sex kitten and I feel sexy, powerful and magnetic. This transformation has had direct benefits to my business as I’ve embraced my deep, passionate and soulful side.
If you want to learn about the Zodiac archetypes in more depth read this blog
How to find your Venus placement in your birth chart
If you don’t know how to run a birth chart and find your Venus sign placement check out this blog first.
Read the following for your Venus placement and those closest to you – you might just communicate with them a bit better!
Venus in Aries

You need excitement otherwise you get bored. You are a leader and you inspire others to be self-sufficient and to take action.
You can be very spontaneous and daring and your clients admire this about you.
Venus in Taurus

You are stable, dependable and loyal and your clients appreciate this about you.
You take your time and you need those around you to be patient and you don’t like change – this can mean you have a propensity to stagnate.
Venus in Gemini

You need variety and you tend to keep things light in your relationships and you want to be around optimistic people.
You need people in your life who are adaptable and go with the flow and you need clients who can value your ideas and put up with your less dependable nature.
Venus in Cancer

You can be moody and emotional and even passive-aggressive so you need people in your life who are patient and understanding and can see beyond this to who you really are.
Your clients will love that you will go into bat for them and support them to the end and be that soft place to land.
Venus in Leo

You are outgoing and like to be around clients who are fun and generous with their praise.
You are warm and generous and help others to feel better about themselves and your clients love this about you.
Venus in Virgo

You are practical and dedicated and you provide acts of service for those you love and care about.
You clients love your attention to detail and your ability to take care of all the little things for them.
Venus in Libra

You are fair and you want people around you who are considerate and willing to compromise.
However, you can have the potential to be taken advantage of by your clients so you need to have strong boundaries and seek out people who respect you and treat you as an equal.
Venus in Scorpio

You are committed and loyal and you appreciate depth and intensity.
Your clients appreciate your ability to help them transform and find and awaken their hidden strengths and talents.
Venus in Sagittarius

You love to expand your world-view and experiences and you like to work with people who open your world to new experiences, knowledge and ways of thinking.
You help your clients to trust and surrender and experience true freedom for themselves.
Your clients love your visionary nature and your sense of optimism and enthusiasm in your partnership.
Venus in Capricorn

You are cautious and want to plan things out and have a clear strategy. You like to work with clients who are predictable and will stick to the plans you set.
You know how to use existing social structures and social hierarchy to your benefit and the benefit of your clients.
Your clients will love your sense of responsibility and commitment to their success and your ability to provide direction and structure.
Venus in Aquarius

You appreciate the unusual, unpredictable and the eccentric in relationships. You like to work with people who are emotionally stable and intellectual.
You have the ability for big, innovative and future focused dreams and your clients will love your ability to dream the big dreams for them and see what they can’t see for themselves.
Venus in Pisces

You need to be careful that you don’t attract clients who are too needy and need to be saved.
Your sensitive and intuitive nature means that you need clients who understand that your work is not always linear and sometimes it takes time to get the download or the breakthrough.
Your clients will love that you can see the best in them even when they can’t see it in themselves.
Summary of Venus placement through the Zodiac Signs

Want to learn more about Venus Astrology?
If you want to learn more about your Venus Astrology, sacred receptivity, and how you can align your business, check out my program, Your Astrological Style.