If you follow along on social media then it’s probably no surprise that I love oracle cards. I use oracle cards daily but during a launch, I pick them up more regularly than usual! When I am feeling down, frustrated or lost during a launch I turn to the cards for some insight and advice. I find that oracle cards help you to connect with your intuition and higher knowledge during a launch and can help you to find solace and take inspired action. With that in mind, I’ve taken up the very difficult task of rounding up my six favourite oracle decks for launch support!
My favourite oracle decks for launch support

The Business Astrology Oracle Deck (My Deck!)
I can’t start this post without mentioning my very own creation, the Business Astrology Oracle Deck, which is being published by Hay House. It will be available on December 31st, 2024, but you can pre-order it starting October 1st. This deck is the first of its kind—a tool designed specifically to help you apply astrology to your business and so it’s perfect when launching
How I like to use this deck
I have a special soulful launch card spread made up of five cards that you’ll find in the guidebook.
Question to ask this deck:
What superpower in my business chart can help me in this launch?
Animal Kin Oracle Card Deck
The Animal Kin Oracle Card Deck by The Fifth Element Life is made up of 65 beautiful water colour animal portraits with beautiful meanings and associations to a classical element and a word or mantra. I love working with the energies of the animals in the deck and find it a really simple way to connect with my intuition and embody the wisdom unique to the chosen animals.
How I like to use this deck:
- Draw a card and use this deck at the start of the day for a hit of guidance
- Draw a card and put it somewhere that I can see it while working on my launch
Question to ask this deck:
- What animal spirit do I need to embody in my launch?
Inner Star Oracle
The Inner Star Oracle by The Darling Tree is made up of 55 unique cards each featuring beautiful sacred symbols. There are two version of this deck including the Clarity Edition and the Magic Edition (I have both!). I love using these cards during my launches because of the inspiring messages and guidebook that comes with supportive affirmations.

How I like to use this deck:
- Draw a card when I’m feeling like I need some wise advice
- Draw a card after practicing the Sacred Container meditation to help support me in manifesting my soul clients
- Use this deck for a three-card spread using the questions suggested below
Questions to ask in a three-card spread using this deck:
- What is happening in my inner landscape right now?
- What is the external force affecting this launch right now?
- What is the likely outcome?
The Sacred Rebels Oracle

The Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild is made up of 45 cards for those that are ready to celebrate and nurture their individuality. I find this oracle deck always cuts to the core of the issue and is filled with guidance that is both inspiring and straight-to-the-heart. This deck is perfect for launch support as it shows you how to be more you – which is really important for launch alignment!
How I like to use this deck:
- Use this deck when I’m feeling out of alignment during my launch
Questions to ask this deck:
- What is the reason for feeling stuck in my launch?
- What are the fears or blocks that are showing up?
- What is my current energy like?
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
The Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue were the first cards that I fell in love with – also leading me to fall in love with the goddesses too! As you know, I love working with the energy of goddesses during a launch and so these cards really add to the experience and allow me to tap into different energies and archetypes on a daily basis.

How I like to use this deck:
- Draw a card every day for a hit of intuitive launch guidance
- Draw a card to help guide me during my Channel Your Inner Launch Goddess meditation
Questions to ask this deck:
- Which goddess do I need to embody today?
- What goddess will most help me to achieve my goals today?
Connected & Free Oracle Deck

Connected & Free Oracle Deck by Inner Hue is made up of 55 cards and a guidebook with card meanings. I love this deck as it also includes specific chakra cards that can help identify any energetic blocks happening during your launch.
How I like to use this deck:
- Separate the chakra cards and draw one to see where I need to focus my attention
- Draw a card after meditation and use it as a journal prompt for the day
Questions to ask this deck:
- Which chakra needs my love and support today?
- Which chakra is feeling blocked today?
- What do I most need to think about and journal upon today?
So there are my favourite oracle decks for launch support and how you can use them each and everyday during your launch.