Working with the moon cycles has gained popularity enormously over the last 10 years especially setting New Moon Intentions. That’s not to say that it is a new practice, quite the opposite – it’s a sacred and ancient one. However, working with your natural cycles – both menstrual and lunar has grown in popularity, and in 2020 is dare I say it almost mainstream.
In this blog, I am going to share how I work with the new moon by setting aligned New Moon Intentions as I regularly get questions on my Instagram page about how followers can apply it to their own chart and life.
So here goes!

New Moon Intentions
New moons are all about the start of a new lunar cycle and they are perfect for setting intentions for the next 2 weeks through to the new moon. I used to do quite a detailed new moon practice but these days I find that simpler works best and is easier to be consistent with.
To get started on applying the new moon to your chart follow the below instructions:
1. Add the dates of upcoming new moons to your diary or online calendar, you can access a full list here.
2. I recommend adding the time in your local timezone (you can calculate this here), the zodiac sign the moon is in, and the degrees – you’ll need this later.
3. On the day of, or just after, the new moon grab a journal, your astrology chart (to learn how to create it go here), and the details of the moon as advised in point 2 above
4. The first thing is to understand that each new moon is in a different sign and is influenced by the personality of that sign. To get a summary of each sign grab my lunar toolkit here.
5. Then look up the degrees of that sign on your chart
6. Take note of whether there are any planets within about 5 degrees of the new moon – if so they will have an influence over this moon phase for you.

7. Combine the information you have gathered and write them down
- The Sign the new moon is in and the themes associated
- The House that the new moon is in and the realm of life that is being activated
- Any other planets in your birth chart that are within 2-3 degrees of this new moon
For example the July 2021 New Moon is in Cancer which is all about nurturing yourself and others. It is activating my 11th house of hopes & dreams and conjunct my natal moon. This is a powerful time for me to connect authentically and emotionally with my soul tribe and to show them how I can nurture through their astrology journey.
d. Now once you have a sense of what the context is for you it is time to set an intention for the next two weeks that is related to the sign, house, and any conjunct planets.
For example, mine could be that I set the intention to call in my soul clients to my Level 1 certification by showing them my nurturing and suppportive approach.
So there you go – there’s my simple process for working with the new moon in an aligned way. Below you’ll find some of my fave tools and resources for working with the new moon. And you can follow me over on Instagram to be reminded of each new and full moon and more detailed information on the energy of each cycle.
New Moon Resources