Have you ever heard people refer to “ Libra Season ” but not understood what it means?

Well, Libra season starts when the sun moves into Libra and a number of other personal planets join it during the month-long transit of the sun through Libra.

Libra is an air sign and brings a harmonious, diplomatic, and balanced energy but it can also manifest in passive aggressiveness, indecisiveness, and sitting on the fence.

libra season for your business


September 23-October 22

Ruled by: 


Ruling house: 

7th – Business Partnerships

Best things to focus on in your business during Libra Season:

Embrace collaboration, diplomacy, and the art of building meaningful connections as you cultivate a sense of harmony in your work environment.

Libra season encourages you to focus on relationships—whether with clients, partners, or your team—bringing more grace, fairness, and mutual respect into your interactions.

Now is the time to enhance your business by fostering strong partnerships and creating a workspace that thrives on cooperation and mutual benefit.

Libra season is ideal for evaluating how well your business reflects balance and beauty. Consider how aesthetics, branding, and client experience come together. Refresh your visuals, streamline your messaging, and ensure that your business embodies the elegance and clarity that Libra values.

This is also an excellent time to review your marketing strategies and refine them to appeal to your ideal audience, focusing on harmony between your offerings and your clients’ needs.

Leadership during Libra season is about diplomacy and fairness. Whether negotiating contracts, handling team dynamics, or engaging with clients, lead with grace and consider all perspectives before making decisions. Strive for win-win outcomes in your interactions, and be a mediator where necessary to maintain peace and productivity.

Libra’s diplomatic energy helps you create an environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and respected, leading to stronger, more productive relationships.

If you’ve been considering partnerships, collaborations, or joint ventures, now is the perfect time to explore those opportunities. Libra’s influence will help you find the right balance between your needs and the needs of your collaborators, ensuring a smooth and mutually beneficial experience. Pay attention to contracts, agreements, and any legal matters, ensuring that all parties feel fairly treated.

During Libra season, self-care and business care are equally important. Seek to restore balance in your work-life dynamic by scheduling downtime, engaging in activities that nourish your creativity, and setting boundaries that prevent burnout. Libra’s energy reminds you that when you’re in harmony with yourself, you bring more balance to your business, fostering an environment where creativity, collaboration, and success can flourish.

Personal Planets in Libra:

Mercury – 27th September-13th October

Mercury will move through Libra from the 27th September-13th of October 2024.

It’s time to focus on balanced and thoughtful communication within your business.

Libra is all about relationships, so take this opportunity to refine how you communicate with clients. Whether it’s through emails, meetings, or social media, aim for clarity, fairness, and a touch of charm in every interaction. Make sure your messaging is not only professional but also warm and engaging.

Mercury in Libra enhances your ability to negotiate and find win-win solutions. If there are contracts, partnerships, or deals to discuss, now’s the time to approach them with diplomacy. Focus on finding common ground and creating mutually beneficial outcomes.

With Libra’s aesthetic flair and Mercury’s focus on communication, consider revisiting your brand voice. Is your messaging aligned with your values and audience? Now’s the time to create a harmonious and consistent tone.

Venus – 30th August-23rd September

Venus has been moving through Libra during most of September but moved into Scorpio just after the start of Libra Season.

Where is Libra in your chart?

To find Libra in your chart you will first need to create a chart at astro.com if you don’t have it already.

Then you will want to look around the edge of the chart and find the Libra Glyph.

Then look at which house(s) Libra spans in your business chart to see which areas of your business Libra season is likely to play out in.

In my business chart, Libra rules the second house of Natural Skills, Cash flow and Offerings and my Business North Node is in Libra. It’s an ideal time to reconnect with the core purpose of my business and nurture the relationships that help my business to flourish.

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