Today, I want to look at another great way Astrology can help you in your business: creating a business astrology chart. If you need to brush up on the basics of astrology charts, check out this blog first.

Creating a business astrology chart 

Creating a business astrology chart is not dissimilar to creating a birth chart. Your business has an energy and life force all of its own, and like you, it has a ‘natal promise’ of what it is meant to do, be, and achieve.

What will the date & time be for your business astrology chart?

Some of us might clearly remember the exact date and time our business became real, but others might have experienced a slow transition with many separate events. Here are some key dates you could use for your business astrology chart.

The date and approx. time (or use 12pm) that you:

  • registered your business name
  • Went live with your website
  • Had your first paying customer
  • Had your initial vision for your business

You’ll notice that there is no absolute best date to choose for your business astrology chart, so I recommend feeling into which of the above events feels like the true start of your business. Which do you feel most connected to?

Using myself as an example, I remember that my first real thought about starting a business was around November 2011, when I decided to study life coaching. I picked a business name (Reverie Coaching) and set up my website over the next couple of months, but for me, what felt like the official start of my first business was when I registered my business name on 1 March 2012.

However, several years later, we incorporated as a company, and my husband became a director, and I moved to a personal brand. This was official when we signed the documents in my accounts office on the 3rd of June 2015 at 11:53 am – I know the exact time because I posted the photos below straight after.

So, this is what my business astrology chart interpretation is based on. Can you see how I really felt into the energy of when it felt official?

How to create your business astrology chart

Once you have the date and time chosen, go to and create a chart for the event, as shown below.

Now that you have your business astrology chart what should you do with it?

There are a number of things you can do with your business chart including:

  1. Look at the chart and feel into the heart and soul of your business
  2. Compare your business chart to your birth chart using an astrology synastry chart to understand how your personal energy interacts with that of your business
  3. Run the chart with transits to see what is coming up in the next 3-12 months likely to impact your business

The heart and soul of your business as seen through your business astrology chart

Here are some things to look for to feel into the heart and soul of your business: 

  1. What is the sun sign of your business chart – this is where your business is destined to shine, so look for the sign and house
  2. What is the moon sign of your business chart? This is how your business can be nurtured and its instinctive nature, so look for the sign and house.
  3. What is the relationship between the sun & the moon (look for the aspect between them)
  4. What is your business’s rising sign or ascendant? This is how your business meets the world.
  5. Where is the north node (sign and house)? This provides insights into the soul purpose of your business.
  6. Where is Mars (sign and house)? This shows how your business takes action and can be brave.
  7. Where is Mercury (sign and house)? This indicates how you can best communicate through your business.
  8. Where is Saturn (sign and house)? This will show where your business needs structure and discipline.
  9. Where is Jupiter (sign and house)? This will show where you will find success, luck, expansion, and money!
  10. What planets are in your 2nd and 8th houses, and what aspects are made with your Jupiter? This will indicate the energy around money in your business.
  11. Do you have clusters of planets in specific houses or zodiac signs? Reflect on what this house or sign means for your business.

Of course, there is much more to look at in your business astrology chart, such as the angles and aspects, but this will give you a good sense of your business’s energy.

Example using my business astrology chart

Gemini Sun in the 10th conjunct Mars & Mercury

It doesn’t surprise me that the sun is in Gemini in my business chart; on my natal chart, my 10th house of career is in Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communications, and so much of what I do is about written communications and training, so this feels perfect.

The sun is in the 10th house, which speaks to the business’s destiny to shine as a writer, speaker, and teacher—it’s quite auspicious.

My sun in this chart is also sextile Jupiter in the 12th house of rest & retreat.

The sun in my business chart is also conjunct with Mars and Mercury, meaning how I shine and expand in my business is intrinsically linked to how I take action and communicate. The three things ultimately make up a powerhouse trio.

Sagittarius Moon in the 4th house

My moon in my business chart is in Sagittarius (my sun sign in my natal chart) and is in my business’s 4th house.

Our moon is our instinctual nature and what nurtures us, and Sagittarius is the guide, wisdom, knowledge seeker, and adventurer. My endless search for knowledge is nurtured through my business, allowing me to travel and explore things that would have been hard to justify without my business.

So when I look into my moon in my business chart, it feels like an intrinsic part of who I am and, therefore, who my business is.

Whilst I love to travel, I prefer to work and run my business from home, which this 4th house moon indicates.

What is also really interesting is that we incorporated the business under the same moon phase (waning gibbous) as I was born under!

Sun & Moon opposition

Exploring the relationship between your sun and moon is really important. When related to your business chart, your moon is your business’s instinctive nature, and your sun is how your business will shine and expand.

If your sun and moon are conjunct, sextile, or trine, they have a happy and complementary relationship. However, my sun and moon are in opposition in my business chart.

I think of this and how my moon in my fourth house wants to work quietly from home – hermit style. But then my sun in Gemini in the 10th is about the business shining its light and being recognized on a more external stage.

So, ultimately, there is a push-pull between what I want and need and what my business needs to shine.

Leo Rising

Leo is the sign of the creatress.

Many astrologers feel the rising sign is more significant than our sun sign (commonly known as the zodiac sign).

Our rising sign in our business is about how it appears to the world, not necessarily how we would want it to be seen or perceived. It is like our business brand because it is what people say about us when we are not in the room.

Leo is all about self-expression, and my natal north node is in Leo, so this is a beautiful connection between my soul purpose and my business’s role in living it out.

My business has always focused on creating new products and services. The creative part of the process is really the most enjoyable part for me, followed closely by teaching it to others.

North Node in Libra 2nd house

In natal astrology, the north node represents our soul purpose, and the south node represents what we have done and mastered in previous lifetimes.

When looking at a business chart, I prefer to take the approach of the business’s ultimate purpose and where its comfort zone is or even its potential for stagnancy.

With a business in the North Node in Libra, I aim to cultivate strong relationships and potentially partner with others through my business. With it sitting in the 2nd house (Finances & Strengths), I see that this is meant to be lived out by using the business’s strengths and talents to create stability in my life.

My south node is in Aries, the warrior and fierce action taker. This, to me, is a warning that my place of stagnancy in my business is in not building relationships and not connecting with others (an introverted trait I have). I’m also a natural action taker, and the warrior is an archetype that comes naturally to me – it is a comfort zone, but my path of expansion through my business is by taking a more libran relationship-centered approach.

It is interesting because my natal chart contains a cluster of planets in Libra, so this feels like another confirmation to me.

Mars in the 10th conjunct sun and mercury

My 10th house in my business chart is very prominent, and my business sun is also there, making a conjunction with Mars (or amplifying each other).

With Mars in Gemini, I think about how much of my work involves communication, and I take action through writing, creating, teaching, training, and mentoring.

Mars in the 10th provides a strong drive to be recognized, respected, and influential/

I also think about Mars as the brave warrior and how Gemini (the twins) can often be like two personalities. My warrior energy in my business (and my action-taking) can tend to oscillate between highly charged, passionate, and somewhat impulsive, and it can also be measured, purposeful, and slow. I can get very fired up, but I can put my coach hat on and be empathetic and compassionate. There is a lesson here about taking time to fit into what is needed and controlling those dual personalities rather than letting them control me (and my business).

Mercury in the 9th conjunct sun and mars

My Mercury is in the 9th in Gemini, conjunct with my Sun and Mars. Having Mercury in its home sign of Gemini gives me the sense that communication is integral to my business.

When I think of mercury in the 9th House of Publishing, I think of how I avoided traditional publishing for over a decade, and then when I finally decided to create a physical product – an oracle deck it was swiftly picked up by Hay House.

It also makes me think of how communications are integral to my business’s expansion – whenever I try to take a break from blogs, newsletters, or even social media, it doesn’t feel natural. Communicating with my audience, my clients and e-Course communities is my natural state.

Saturn in Sagittarius in the 3rd house

Saturn relates to our sense of responsibility, structure, and big work. With Saturn in the 3rd house of communications, I reflect on how people always marvel at how much I achieve through my business—particularly my prolific writing of e-courses. Saturn in the House of Communications brings dedication and structure to this part of my business.

Jupiter in the 12th

Jupiter is in Leo, the sign of shining your light, optimism, and exuberance. Notably, in my birth chart, my north node (soul purpose) is in Leo within 3 degrees of this Jupiter placement, meaning they are conjunct and amplifying each other. It’s also interesting that Jupiter has no bad aspects in this chart and connects harmoniously with most planets.

Ordinarily, a Jupiter in my 12th house would concern me, but in this case, it reflects how I often get a lot of writing work done when on retreat—it’s when some of my best business ideas flow in.

What planets are in your 2nd and 8th houses, and what aspects are made with your Jupiter – this will indicate the energy around money in your business.

I have the North Node in the business’s second house, which feels like a nod to the business’s focus on using my strengths and talents to create resources.

Uranus is in the 8th house, which speaks to fluctuations in money from other sources, such as grants, taxes, and partnerships.

Cluster in Gemini

There is a cluster or ‘stellium’ of planets in Gemini.

I have recently entered into a publishing contract with Hay House, which will help expand my business.

I am also exploring a writing partnership with a highly successful business friend. We don’t know how this might look yet; we are just evaluating it.

Looking at my business chart, I could evaluate much more, such as the major aspect patterns, the angles, progressions, and transits, as well as a synastry chart interpretation (a comparison of my natal and business chart). This is the type of detail my business chart readings dive into, or I teach it in my Level 2 certification.

It’s not all sunshine and roses.

I’ve primarily written about the positive aspects of this chart, but it is important to note that there are plenty of challenges to it, too. Challenges or “negative aspects” in our chart (denoted by red lines and including squares and oppositions) are just as significant as the “positive” ones (conjunctions, sextiles, and trines) as they push us to evolve, grow, and find our true potential.

For example, the square aspect between the sun in the 10th and Neptune in the 7th denotes a tendency to be a lone wolf.

Neptune has also had this impact on my Mercury (communications) and Mars (ability to take action).

For this reason, I sometimes find it hard to do the things that will grow the business and improve its visibility, but I feel like I’ve made great strides in 2023 in my partnership with Hay House.

So what does this all mean, and why does it matter?

Understanding our business chart can help us tune into our business’s full potential and core purpose. Combine that with knowledge of your natal chart interpretation, and you will understand how your and your business purpose interact. Not all businesses have to be all of us. Some are for short periods, some are more permanent, some are personal brands, and others can be more separated from our identity. Some fulfill all our needs, and others are just an aspect of them.

With this knowledge about your business, you can align, focus, and achieve its full potential and know when it’s time to complete.

Want to learn more about Astrology?

Book a business chart reading or check out my Level 2 Certification, including my Advanced Astrology for Business course.

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