Have you ever felt an inexplicable connection to a place, a yearning to visit, or an unexplained discomfort in certain locations? Astrocartography provides the answers.

What is AstroCartoGraphy?

Astrocartography involves mapping the planetary positions at the time of our birth and creating a unique map of planetary lines that guide us in selecting the best places to live, work, and travel, as well as those locations that may present challenges, conflicts, or unrest.

Who pioneered AstroCartoGraphy?

AstroCartoGraphy was developed by Jim Lewis in the 1970s, and he holds the trademark for his AstroMapping system. To publicly use the term “AstroCartoGraphy” in your programs or readings, official certification from his organization is required.

It is also known as Astrolocality, AstroMapping, the astrology of place, Astrogeography, and I often refer to it as AstroTravel.

Why should we use this technique?

Astrocartography charts are unique to each individual and remain unchanged throughout their life. They offer insights into the places on Earth where we are most likely to thrive, as well as those that may pose challenges.

These charts assist us in making decisions about where to live, vacation, conduct business events, and more.

Creating an Astrocartography Chart

Astro.com offers a fantastic free Astrocartography software called AstroClick Travel. You can see it below under the Location Astrology heading.

By clicking on a line, it provides relevant information.

Reading an Astrocartography Chart

When you first view an Astrocartography Map, you’ll notice that each of the main planets (including Chiron and the Nodes) is represented by a different color.

Each line also represents an astrology angle – AC/IC/DC/MC and these each have specific meanings relating to travel and relocation

The circles indicate zenith points or where the energy is at its peak.

Crossings or intersections can be interpreted similarly to conjunctions in a natal chart.

Orb of Influence

To determine if a particular planetary line will have an impact in a specific location, you need to consider the orb of influence.

Traditionally, the orb of influence was believed to be up to 700 miles or 1,126 km, although some astrologers argue it is closer to 300 miles (500 km).

Calculating the distance can be challenging with free software, but programs like Astrogold allow you to measure it. For example, when I measured the distance from London to my Sun line, it showed 113 miles, well within the orb of influence.

The closer the line is to the location, the stronger the impact.

Astrocartography: Selecting an Ideal Retreat Location

When choosing a retreat location for my astrology students and followers, I sought a place that would provide tranquility while being conducive to running a business retreat.

I began by searching for locations that combined the following factors:

  • Moon DC: A connection to femininity.
  • Venus MC: Success and abundance.
  • Mercury AC or MC: Effective communication.
  • Jupiter MC: Expansion and growth.
  • Chiron AC or DC: Healing and transformation.

Considering that most of my clients are from the USA, I focused on options in the USA, South America, Canada, or the Caribbean to ensure accessibility for them.

The crossing location of Venus MC and Moon DC in Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize emerged as a beautiful location for running retreats aimed at my female clients.

To optimize the experience, I would stay to the right of the Moon DC line and avoid the Pluto line, unless intense transformation was the objective. However, I could venture as far as Belize City, Cancun, and Guatemala City.

During previous retreats in Tulum, Mexico, I personally experienced the impact of the Pluto MC line, always resulting in transformative changes in my business.

The Venus MC line consistently sparked lucrative ideas and a program I developed while in Tulum is still thriving six years later.

The Moon DC line compelled me to embrace my feminine energy. On one trip, I even had a minor accident that led to relying on others for help and support, as well as taking time to rest.

Tips for Selecting a Retreat Destination using AstroCartoGraphy

  1. Clarify your retreat goals such as relaxation, adventure, spirituality, relationship-building, health focus, masterminding, or other objectives.
  2. Consider the desired feelings for yourself and the participants during the retreat.
  3. Identify the types of experiences you want to have.
  4. Reflect on your past positive travel experiences and the associated planetary lines and angles.
  5. Create a list of planetary lines and angles that align with your goals and those to avoid.
  6. Explore options that meet these parameters.

Would you like to learn how to use this technique for yourself?

I teach an 8-week AstroTravel course within the Level 2 Business Astrology Certification.

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