I often have clients come to me saying, “My rising sign doesn’t feel aligned. I just don’t resonate with it.” If this is you, read on and I’ll explain why this is and what you can do about it.

For those of you who don’t know, your rising sign is the zodiac sign on your ascendant angle in your natal chart or birth chart. The ascendant reflects how we come across to others, how they perceive us, and the impression they get of us. However, it’s not necessarily how we see ourselves or express ourselves. That domain belongs to our sun and moon sign.

Even though our rising sign might not feel authentic, it’s extremely powerful. When harnessed correctly, it can help us have a bigger impact in the world, assist more people, and grow our business. Astrologer Stephen Forrest describes our rising sign as the mask we wear. He doesn’t imply that we’re being superficial, but rather that we unknowingly put out a certain energy or perception.

This concept of perception is crucial. There is self-perception, which aligns more with our sun and moon signs, and there is the perception others have of us, likely more aligned with our rising sign. Sometimes, our rising sign can feel foreign or disconnected. Many clients, and myself included, have experienced this misalignment.

For example, I had to learn to understand my Virgo rising, appreciate its strengths, and realize that the qualities I might have repressed were actually what my clients loved about me. Interestingly, Virgo is my only placement in that sign. Yet, client testimonials always use Virgo-esque words, showing that they see me in my Virgo energy. Repressing this energy would mean hiding what my clients appreciate about me, which wouldn’t help me grow my business or attract more clients.

Feeling misaligned with your rising sign is normal and common, but it’s something you can overcome.

Why Might We Repress Our Rising Sign?

As children, our rising sign energy comes out strongly because we’re in a pure, unapologetic state. However, as we grow, societal conditioning shapes us. We receive feedback from those around us, which can be negative and lead us to repress parts of ourselves. For instance:

  • Cancer Rising might be told they’re too emotional.
  • Aries Rising might be told they’re too direct or aggressive.
  • Virgo Rising might be told they’re too organized or OCD.

This feedback can make us suppress these traits, carrying this repression into adulthood. In my early corporate career, I received feedback that reinforced my Virgo traits negatively, leading me to repress them further. Starting my business and spiritual journey made me feel like I needed to hide my Virgo energy even more, which damaged my business because my clients actually loved that part of me.

Reclaiming Your Rising Sign

It’s crucial to reclaim your rising sign, release negative perceptions and conditioning, and step into its energy. Embrace it proudly because this is what your clients love about you. Your soul clients often have qualities opposite to your rising sign, and they seek your unique traits. If you don’t show up in your rising sign energy, your true soul clients won’t find you.

Remember, perception versus self-perception: your rising sign might not be how you see yourself, but it’s a prominent energy you project. Heal the parts of yourself you’ve shut off, reclaim your rising sign energy, and recognize that this is what attracts your soul clients.

Step into the true energy of who you are.

Would you like to learn more about your Rising Sign?

For more insights, visit kathrynhocking.com/superpower and enroll in my free training about your astrological superpower..

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