One of the topics that my Astrology students in the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy are new to, but which they find extremely supportive is the concept of Progressions.

I myself discovered the concept of progressions towards the end of my progressed moon is Scorpio, a period of time that is known to be like a Phoenix rising from the Ashes and often entails a Dark Night of the Soul Journey.

I picked up a book about the Moon during this time and read about my progressed moon and suddenly it all made sense why I was feeling so lost, devoid of vision (very unusual for me) and almost depressed.

astrology progressions

Interestingly almost to the day that my progressed moon shifted into Sagittarius (the sign of my natal sun and one that is a comfort zone for me) my vision returned and the beginning of my current Astrology business illuminated themselves.

From that day on I was a convert on the power of working with progression (especially your progressed moon). 

What are progressions

Progressions (otherwise known as Secondary Progressions or Secondary Directions) are a symbolic representation of our natal chart as we grow and evolve through life. 

Progressions can give us an indication of the direction our life might take. 

Mecca Woods has described progressions as: “a ‘behind the scenes’ birth chart,” 

Progressions use the calculation of a day for a year – a day’s actual movement of the planet represents a year’s progressed movement in the progressed chart. So one actual day’s movement represents one year of evolutionary growth. In this way each progressed planet represents our evolved needs relating to that planet. 

Progressed placements don’t supersede our natal (or birth placements) rather they reflect the subtler, changes you might experience as you go through life. They help us to chart and understand the life cycles we are going through. Progressions allow us to map out our stages of life and our shifting priorities, focus and needs. 

As an example the moon moves 12-14 degrees a day so in a progressed chart it would move 12-14 degrees from its natal position for each year of our lives. 

Creating a Progressed Chart

So how do you create a progressed chart? Watch the video below to find out.

Reading the Progressed Chart

When you create a progressed chart you will see that the progressed planets are in green around the edge of the natal chart.

The progressed planets are also in the second column of the planet table.

The Progressed Planets

So which planets and angles should we consider when looking at a progressed chart?

The simple answer is the fast moving planets because these are the ones that will experience significant movement in our lifetime – by this I mean the Sun and Moon and to a lesser extent Mercury, Venus and Mars. Looking at your progressed Ascendent can also be very helpful.

Progressed Sun – Evolved Journey & Focus

The Sun moves about 1 degree per year of your life so it could take up to 30 years to change signs in your progressed chart depending on the degree at birth.  

It will likely only touch 2-3 houses and signs during your lifetime (at the most 4).

For example I was born with a natal Sun in Sagittarius at 3 degrees in the 3rd house, at the age of 40 as I write this it has only progressed to 14 degrees Capricorn in the 4th House.

The progressed sun shows how you mature, change and grow as a person – in other words your evolving identity.

Steven Forrest in the Changing Sky describes it as:

“ A slow penetrating beam of self-awareness is illuminating that part of the birthchart, intensifying it, demanding that it evolve rapidly to catch up with the needs of the matured personality”

The progressed sun does not replace the journey of your natal sun but it brings an additional layer to your identity that is present in your life for around 30 years.

When your Progressed Sun changes signs or houses it will probably be an important period of personal development and self-expression.

The Progressed Moon – Evolved Emotional Needs

As stated earlier the progressed moon the moon moves 12-14 degrees a day so in a progressed chart it would move 12-14 degrees from its natal position for each year of our lives.  

This means that it changes signs and houses every 2-3 years which is an ideal time to tune into and harness it’s energy and do something with it.

For example I was born with a natal Moon in Cancer at 19 degrees in the 11th house, at the age of 40 as I write this my progressed moon has progressed around the chart one full rotation and is currently in Sagittarius in the 4th House.

For this reason the progressed Moon is my favorite progressed placement to work with because you don’t have to wait too long for it to move into another house or sign and the impact on your life can be felt in a direct and emotional way.

The progressed moon does not replace the needs of your natal moon but it brings a shorter term additional layer to your emotional needs that is present in your life for around 2-3 years. 

Every 28-29 years it begins a new emotional cycle as it conjuncts your natal moon and this is known as the progressed new moon. 

The Progressed Ascendant – Evolved Identity

Your progressed ascendant will likely only touch 3-4 houses (1st, 2nd, 3rd and possibly 4th) and signs during your lifetime.

Because it will touch the same 3-4 houses for everyone it is more useful to look at the zodiac sign it is in.

For example I was born with a natal AC in Virgo at 21 degrees, at the age of 40 as I write this it has only progressed to 19 degrees Scorpio.

It shows our evolving style.

The progressed Ascendant does not replace how you appear to others but it brings an additional layer to how others see you and represents your evolving style.

The year in which the progressed ascendant changes signs is a significant time which signals significant changes in your identity and how others perceive you. 

Progressions of the Inner Planets

The inner planets move a few degrees or less each day and as such it is more useful and meaningful to see if our inner planets have recently (in the last couple of years) or will soon (next year or two) change signs or houses. 

Progressed Mercury – Evolved Communication Style

Mercury  moves 1 degree each day so using progressions Mercury will move a degree for every year of your life or the same speed as your progressed sun. 

Mercury Progressed are a little harder to track as mercury retrogrades 3 times a year which impacts the progressed movement.

This means that for most of us we will only experience the energy of 2-3 progressed Mercury signs and houses.

For example, I was born with a natal Mercury in Scorpio in the 2nd House, at the age of 40 as I write this my progressed Mercury has progressed around the chart to Capricorn in the 5th House (or 2 signs). 

We can look at our progressed chart and see if our progressed Mercury is close to a house or sign cusp line ( within 2-3 degrees) and see what that means about a change in communication style. 

Your Progressed Mercury doesn’t replace your natural communication style but it provides an additional layer as such it provides more depth to the way to communicate and process information.

Progressed Venus – Evolved Receptivity & Values

Venus moves a bit over 1 degree each day so using progressions Venus will move a bit over a degree for every year of your life. 

This means that for many of us it won’t change signs or houses for around 25 years and then won’t change again for up to another 25 years. 

This means that for most of us we will only experience the energy of 3-4 progressed Venus signs and houses.

For example I was born with a natal Venus in Scorpio at 1 degree in the 1st/2nd house cusp, at the age of 40 as I write this my progressed Venus has progressed around the chart to 22 degrees Sagittarius in the 3rd House.

We can look at our progressed chart and see if our progressed Venus is close to a house or sign cusp line (2-3 degrees) and see what that means about a change in receptivity and magnetism and core values. 

Your Progressed Venus doesn’t replace your natural receptivity, magnetism and value but it provides an additional layer, depth and energy to them.

Progressed Mars – Evolved Action Taking & Bravery Style

Mars moves approximately ½ degree each day so using progressions Mars will move ½  degree for every year of your life. 

This means that for many of us it won’t change signs or houses for around 60 years.

This means that for most of us we will only experience the energy of 2-3 progressed Mars signs and houses.

For example I was born with a natal Mars in Capricorn in the 4th house, at the age of 40 as I write this my progressed moon has progressed around the chart one full sign and is currently in Aquarius in the 5th House.

Summary of Progressed Placements

Planetary Progressions

We can look at our progressed chart and see if our progressed Mars is close to a house or sign cusp line (1-2 degrees) and see what that means about a change in receptivity and magnetism and core values. 

Your Progressed Mars doesn’t replace your bravery and activation style but it provides an additional layer and depth to how it expresses itself as you mature.

Did you enjoy learning about progressions? You can explore the meaning of your current progressions in my Level 1 Business Astrology Certification

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