I recently wrapped up an epic two days of filming and photography for the launch of the Business Astrology Oracle Deck, and I’m so excited to share the behind-the-scenes journey with you! My audience loves a peek into what goes on behind the curtain, so I wanted to bring you along as I reflect on the experience and the valuable lessons I learned whilst preparing for and conducting my photoshoot.

A lot of thought, energy, and soul went into making this happen, and I can’t wait to dive into all the details. From coordinating the team to making creative decisions, it was a process full of inspiration, challenges, and growth—one I know many of you will resonate with. Here’s a glimpse into how it all came together and the insights I gained throughout the process.

Selecting the Photographer and Videographer

This decision came quite easily for me. I’ve collaborated with Michelle from Eyes of Love Photography multiple times, and she always makes me feel incredibly cared for. When I discovered she was offering a package with Dan Turner from Head North Films—whose work I already admired—it was an immediate yes.

Although I hadn’t worked with Dan before, my good friend Denise Duffield-Thomas spoke highly of him, and I had met him briefly. He’s genuinely lovely to work with. I also appreciate that he has experience with both online entrepreneurs and large corporations, bringing a diverse perspective to the table.

Choosing the Perfect Date

Choosing the date for the shoot was primarily influenced by Hay House UK’s recommendation for when to start promoting the pre-order, as well as ensuring there was a bit of a buffer after the deck arrived from the UK. Coordinating with Michelle and Dan’s schedules was also essential, but since I booked well in advance, that wasn’t a significant issue.

I was informed that the materials would arrive to me by the end of September, so we scheduled the shoot for October 4th. I was a bit nervous in the weeks leading up to the launch whether it would arrive in time!

This date was particularly appealing because the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus were activating my business’s 2nd (Money) and 3rd houses (Communication). 

On a personal level, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury were activating my 1st house of body and identity, making it an ideal time for a photoshoot, especially with transit Venus conjunct my natal Mercury in the 2nd house—perfect for visually capturing my messaging.

We conducted the videography during the Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse, which governs beauty, fashion, and aesthetics, and is ruled by Venus, the planet of abundance and ensured that the Moon was not void-of-course over the two days.

Finding Great Venues

One of the things I love about filming in Queensland is the availability of stunning houses in beautiful locations that you can book by the hour for photoshoots. My photographer recommended the Aloca site to source venues. I discovered two amazing venues in Bli Bli: Casa Este, where we filmed most of the videos, and Bask el Sol, which served as our photoshoot location.

When selecting venues, I look for natural boho vibes with a touch of world traveller aesthetics to align with my brand. The spaces should feel light and bright, featuring multiple areas for filming or photography, such as a kitchen bench, kitchen table, bedroom, outdoor areas, and lounge room. I avoid spaces with bright decor colors that clash with my muted and earthy brand palette.

It’s an investment to hire these locations but is well worth it! I mean how divine is this backdrop!

gold dress

Pre-Shoot Self-Care

I usually consider myself a low-maintenance kind of gal, but for this shoot, I wanted to go all out to feel amazing. After a challenging six months on a personal front, I realized I hadn’t taken the best care of my body, so these little self-care moments really helped boost my confidence.

For the first time ever, I tried a fake tan—it was a bit nerve-wracking, but thankfully, I didn’t end up looking like a lobster! I also booked waxing, a manicure, and a pedicure, plus I dyed my hair to cover up those pesky greys.

My photographer recommended the manicure, especially since so much attention would be on my hands while using the deck. I chose a light, neutral color to ensure it wouldn’t distract from the deck itself.

Time Management & Logistics

It was crucial to plan my schedule carefully to ensure I had enough time to fly in before the shoot and not have the stress of flying home immediately after. In hindsight, I’m really glad I arrived the day before because my luggage, containing all my outfits, went missing during the flight! Thankfully, it arrived just seven hours later, but not without stress.

I booked my flights well in advance and also secured beautiful rooms at Loea Boutique Hotel for myself Michelle and Dan so they wouldn’t have to make the drive on the day of the shoot.

I also hired a car since I knew I’d need to drive to two different locations each shoot day, as well as to and from the airport. To be honest, I prefer having my own vehicle rather than relying on Uber or taxi drivers for important events like this.

I booked a talented hair and makeup artist, the lovely Meaghan, for both days, ensuring she had ample time to prepare before filming. I checked in with her multiple times leading up to the shoot to confirm that everything was on track.

It was essential to keep Michelle and Dan updated on the shoot locations, timing, and general logistics to ensure a smooth process.

Choosing Outfits

My photographer advised that for the amount of filming we were doing, I needed 6-9 outfits! Putting together this number of outfits in my brand colors while matching the vibe of the deck was no small task, so I started shopping and collecting items at least six months before the photoshoot.

My photographer always recommends opting for neutral tops, a classic pair of jeans, textured knits, and avoiding graphic tees and patterns. I chose outfits in lighter muted pinks, simple golds, a beautiful astrologically themed kimono, and a stunning textured white dress. In the end, my favorite outfit was a textured gold dress.

I’m often amazed at how the outfits I expect to look the best don’t always turn out as expected, while others I’m less fond of can look fantastic! Having multiple outfit changes helps reduce the risk of disliking any photos due to the outfit.

I always ensure each outfit is styled with earrings, a necklace, and some cocktail crystal rings. In true Virgo fashion, I organize the accessories in ziplock bags and attach them to each outfit ahead of time. I often buy costume jewelry from Lovisa and have collected many astrologically themed necklaces over the past eight years.

I send my outfit ideas to Michelle in a document with photos of me wearing them, and she helps me select the ones that will photograph best. Good underwear is also crucial, so I usually wear shaping underwear under my outfits!

Creating a Photo Shot List

While my photographer is a total pro, it’s still essential to communicate the must-have photos for the shoot. About a week before the shoot, I sent her a list of all the images I wanted to capture, and we printed it out to check off as we went along on the day.

Michelle is fantastic at quickly identifying the best locations for photos. Fortunately, she had taken pictures of another client at this location the day before and was well-prepared.

Here are some types of photos to consider:

  • Headshots
  • Lifestyle shots
  • Emotional shots (sad, happy, frustrated, etc.)
  • Blank space shots (where you stand to the far left or right against a plain background, perfect for adding text for email headers and website banners).

For my shoot, we aimed to capture images of me cleansing the deck, opening the deck box, taking out the cards, shuffling the deck, selecting cards, reading the guidebook, and showcasing card layouts, as well as me using the cards whilst working.

Writing the Video Script

Included in my package was a 2-minute sales page video, and I also booked an additional day of filming with Dan. I had no idea how much we could record in a single day, so I decided to write scripts for 12 extra videos, not expecting that we’d get them all filmed.

To my surprise, we wrapped up 90 minutes early!

I felt fantastic at the end of the day, having recorded videos to promote a webinar I’m running in November, a three-video series that I’ll launch in January (including 3 training videos,  an opt-in page video and a thank-you video), three bonus training videos for those who purchase the oracle deck during the pre-order period, and a video for my astrology basics opt-in page, among others.

Writing this many scripts felt daunting, and I’ll be honest: I started with outlines and then used ChatGPT to help draft the scripts. After that, I extensively edited them to ensure they reflected my voice and flowed naturally.

To ensure authenticity, I read each script aloud multiple times. The final scripts totalled 43 pages and over 7,500 words!

I needed to provide these scripts to Dan a few days in advance so he could add them to his teleprompter.

I’m so glad he uses a teleprompter as memorising scripts is not a skill I possess!

Packing Props

Even when you book stunning shoot locations, it’s essential to bring personally meaningful items that align with the purpose of your shoot.

I packed an entire suitcase filled with items, including the card deck, notebooks and pens, an ephemeris, crystals, goddess statues, and various decor pieces.

Ideally, these items reflect your brand colors while also adding a unique touch to the photos. While someone else may shoot in the same location, the additional items help make your images distinct. To achieve this, it’s important to work with a photographer skilled in setting up scenes for photos.

Hair and Makeup

I highly recommend hiring a professional hair and makeup artist for filming or photoshoots. It’s a relief not to have to worry about doing it yourself, and professionals know how to accentuate your features for the best results in photos.

I usually ask my makeup artist to “make my eyes pop” and opt for a neutral lip, as it’s generally best to choose either bold eyes or a bold lip. I also like a bit of contouring, as my face can appear rounder in photos.

To ensure they understand my preferences, I always send them professional photos of previous hair and makeup looks I’ve had. I also bring my own lipstick since I’m particular about it, and it’s handy for touch-ups!

Creating B-Roll Footage

Video has become essential for social media today, and one of the highlights of the package I purchased was the abundance of b-roll footage I can use for reels. To achieve this, Michelle and Dan work seamlessly together—Michelle sets up the shots for the photos while Dan records the b-roll immediately afterward and during the process.

The b-roll is crucial for editing longer videos. We captured activities like shuffling cards, moments of reflection and meditation, pulling cards and laying out spreads, journaling, and working on my laptop.

Post-Shoot Editing and Video Production

Having photos professionally edited takes time, and depending on your package, your photographer may first complete a standard edit before moving on to more advanced edits for your selected images. My package included 30 images, but I opted to pay extra for the initial edit of all 260 images!

Video editing is also time-intensive, so it’s essential to allocate sufficient time for this process, including any edits you may request later.

My team worked efficiently, providing the photos within about 10 days, and the video started coming through in batches simultaneously. Since there are so many videos, this will continue over the next week or so.

One aspect I hadn’t considered was providing Dan with my brand guide, which includes my brand colors, textures, and fonts. I had to compile that information for him quickly.

It’s important to understand the timeframe that your service providers promise and to set aside time in your own schedule to review, select, and advise on edits.

Learnings from preparing for a photoshoot

My luggage got delayed in transit, which was incredibly stressful. I realized that flying in the day before wasn’t enough time to manage the situation if it had been delayed further. I usually get international travel insurance, but I hadn’t purchased any for this trip, which could have been costly if I had to go on a last-minute shopping spree!

Despite being a total Virgo, I didn’t have any worst-case contingency plans in place. Next time, I’ll fly in an extra day early to mitigate any risks associated with luggage or flight delays. I’ll also book an additional night at the end of the trip, as I felt exhausted and had to jump straight back into my responsibilities as a mom and wife, leaving me happy but energetically depleted.

Remember to start each sentence while filming with a big smile—it may feel a bit silly, but it makes a noticeable difference in the final product. My mother’s voice echoes in my mind: “Sit up straight, Kathryn, and pull your stomach in!” My posture isn’t the best, and my team had to remind me to sit up frequently. However, not all service providers will do this, so it’s important to take responsibility for your own posture!

I also wasn’t as careful as I should have been with some delicate items; my Juno statue was significantly damaged along with some beautiful candle holders. In the future, I’ll make sure to use plenty of cushioning and bubble wrap!

Although I booked a lovely motel, I was so exhausted that I didn’t feel like going out for meals. Luckily, we live in the Uber Eats era, but in hindsight, a full-service hotel would have suited me much better.

On the way over, I ended up exceeding my luggage limit because I flew with a budget airline and had to pay $120 in excess baggage fees. Next time, I’ll opt for a non-budget airline where I have higher baggage limits, especially as a frequent flyer.

Trust your team. There were moments when I felt awkward and uncomfortable, but surprisingly, those ended up being my favorite photos and b-roll – it’s always the way!

Reflecting on my recent filming experience for the Business Astrology Oracle Deck, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of preparation and attention to detail. From selecting the perfect locations and outfits to coordinating logistics and ensuring I captured the right footage, every aspect played a crucial role in bringing my vision to life. Despite some challenges, including luggage delays and the need for thoughtful packing, I learned valuable lessons that I’ll carry into future projects.

I encourage you to embrace your creative journey with intention and planning, as it can lead to truly magical outcomes.

The business astrology oracle deck box

If you’re eager to explore how astrology can enhance your business and align with your soul purpose, I invite you to pre-order the Business Astrology Oracle Deck today. Your support means the world to me, and I can’t wait to share this beautiful tool with you!

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