Jupiter is in Retrograde in Gemini from October 9th – February 4th 2024.

Jupiter retrograde is a powerful time for introspection and recalibration, especially when it occurs in Gemini, the sign of communication, ideas, and adaptability. In business, this cosmic event invites you to slow down and reflect on how your strategies, connections, and learning processes are supporting your growth.

Here’s how you can make the most of this potent transit to align your business with greater wisdom and expansion.

Firstly what is a retrograde? 

A retrograde is when a planet appears to turn backward in the sky. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. 

All the major planets (excluding the luminaries – the sun and the moon) go retrograde from time to time.

When planets go retrograde the impact of the planet changes and the type of business activities that are recommended change too.

What is a Jupiter Retrograde all about?

Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance, knowledge and wisdom, and growth and expansion, and is ruled by the sign of Sagittarius – and the 9th house of Travel, Learning, and Expansion (and publishing!). 

Jupiter represents where we can experience true luck and expansion in our lives, but it is not luck that comes without effort so the term potential is probably more apt as it shows us where we have the potential for great luck and abundance. It is considered to be a lucky planet that brings beautiful energy whilst in transit however, it can have a darker side of indulgence and excess and an expansion in areas that we don’t want (i.e. our debts!). 

Jupiter can be thought of as the guru, the teacher, the seeker, or the guide and his presence develops our higher mind.

So when Jupiter goes retrograde this heralds a time for learning and development in your business. It is time to connect with your business’s your true north or soul purpose, and to look at the big picture of your business strategy and course-correct where necessary. Jupiter loves to learn so it is the perfect time to dive into study and learning.

During a Jupiter Retrograde, we may feel more introspective, soulful, spiritual, intuitive, and optimistic in our business.

A Jupiter retrograde will ask us to go within and discover our business’s true potential. This is a time when we might be able to see business opportunities and potential but not yet be able to take action on it – but like Jupiter, keep the faith and your time will come!

By the time Jupiter turns retrograde we will be ready to harness the potential we have discovered (or rediscovered!) and to take action on it.

How to harness Jupiter retrograde in Gemini in your Business

Here’s how you can make the most of this potent transit to align your business with greater wisdom and expansion:

1. Reconnect with Past Collaborations and Networks

Jupiter retrograde may slow down new opportunities, but it can reignite old connections. Gemini’s influence encourages networking, and this is a great time to reconnect with previous clients, collaborators, or colleagues. Reflect on the partnerships that helped you grow in the past and explore ways to re-engage with them in meaningful ways.

Action Tip: Reach out to former business contacts or clients with a simple “check-in” email or message. You may uncover opportunities for renewed collaboration.

2. Reevaluate Your Learning and Growth

Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and higher learning, and during its retrograde, it’s time to slow down and absorb the knowledge you’ve gained. Rather than chasing the next big idea or course, take time to integrate what you’ve already learned. Gemini’s influence encourages flexibility, so use this period to consider how you can apply past insights in creative ways.

Action Tip: Revisit old notes, books, or courses that you’ve taken. Reflect on what valuable lessons you might have missed or forgotten and how they can now support your business growth.

3. Practice Mindful Expansion

While Jupiter is usually all about growth and expansion, during retrograde, it’s about mindful expansion. Instead of seeking new opportunities, focus on refining your current offerings. This is a time to dig deeper into what’s already working and allow it to flourish in a more intentional way.

Action Tip: Consider focusing on improving a single offering or product that has performed well, giving it extra attention so that it can provide even more value to your clients.

4. Trust the Slow Unfolding

Jupiter retrograde is not a time for rushing into new ventures or chasing growth at all costs. It’s about trusting the process and allowing the wisdom you gain through reflection to guide your future expansion. Take this time to rest, recharge, and recalibrate. When Jupiter stations direct, you’ll be ready to move forward with newfound clarity and alignment.

Action Tip: Give yourself permission to slow down and embrace the lessons that come from reflecting on your journey so far. This is a perfect time for journaling, meditation, or deep inner work that connects you with your purpose.

Where is Jupiter retrograding in your business chart?

Jupiter will retrograde from 21-11 Gemini so take a look at your business chart to see which house this is in for you and take note of any other planets around this area.

If you are not sure what the different houses represent then check out my FREE astrology basics course.

What might the position of Jupiter’s Retrograde in 2024 mean for you?

In which part of your business do you need to go reconnect with past connections, finish off old study or projects, be more mindful or trust the slow unfolding?

For me, it is in my 10th House of Recognition and Visibility.

I had a goal in 2024 to get a book deal to follow up my Oracle Deck deal, but then a major event happened with one of my children. It’s not something I can discuss publicly but it has required me to hold on less tightly to this goal and trust that early 2025 is better timing for it once Jupiter has turned direct.

During its retrograde, it is moving over my business Mars and Sun and I am using the time to continue reviewing and refining my book proposal as well as focusing on writing my last course for my advanced certification and finishing off some existing study.

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