Mercury goes retrograde approximately three times a year and in 2024 is in Retrograde from:

  • April 1st-April 25th from 27-15 degrees Aries
  • August 5th-August 28th from 4 Virgo-21 Leo
  • November 26th-December 15th 2024 from 22-6 Degrees Sagittarius

Firstly what is a retrograde? 

A retrograde is when a planet appears to turn backward in the sky. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. 

All the major planets (excluding the luminaries – the sun and the moon) go retrograde from time to time.

When planets go retrograde the impact of the planet changes and the type of activities that are recommended change too.

What is Mercury Retrograde all about?

Mercury is the planet of communications, contracts, local travel, legal affairs, and technology and is at home in Virgo and Gemini and the 3rd house of Communications and 6th House of Day to Day Health and Routine.

Mercury represents the way that we communicate, think, learn, and process information – in our business chart it reflects how the business communicates.

Mercury can be thought of as the Messenger.

It is considered to be a fairly harmonious planet but whilst in retrograde, however, it tends to bring disruption, technological difficulties, and problems with agreements and contracts.

So when Mercury goes retrograde this heralds a time for taking a step back in your business, slowing down, and waiting it out.

During a Mercury Retrograde, we may feel slightly disoriented, stagnant, stuck, or like nothing in our business is moving forward easily.

Mercury retrograde and your business facts

A Mercury retrograde will ask us to double-check everything, put off what can be delayed, and, for what can’t, make sure we are checking the fine print!

It is not recommended to launch a new product or offerings, set up technology, sign contracts, travel or make major purchases during this period.

But with Mercury retrograding so frequently sometimes this can’t be helped and we can’t always avoid it so instead plan ahead, be prepared for potential issues, have backup plans, and don’t be surprised if there are miscommunications. 

This is the time to be flexible, double-check all communications and travel arrangements, and avoid signing contracts. 

By the time Mercury turns direct if we have taken the time to reflect and review we will be ready to make headway with our goals.

It is worth noting that if your business chart has Mercury retrograde you might actually find that the impact is reversed for your business and that this period is super productive or successful for you and your business!

2024 Mercury Retrogrades in the element of Fire

This year Mercury retrogrades mostly through fire signs – so each retrograde will have the energy of drive, creative expression, inspiration, vision, and individuality. And these retrogrades invite you to reflect on how your business sources its inner fire. What is the driving force behind the business?

What lights your business fire?

The Leo retrograde in August starts in Virgo but soon moves back into Leo and it will be a time to reflect on how we are expressing and showing up in our business.

Finally, the retrograde in Sagittarius (starting on my Birthday!) will ask us to reflect on our vision and our beliefs.

Where is Mercury retrograding in your chart?

Mercury retrogrades in different zodiac signs and each retrograde will be subtly influenced by the characteristics of the sign Mercury is in. The current retrograde from August 5th-August 29th 2024 moves Mercury from 4 Virgo-21 Leo.

So this current Mercury retrograde is in Virgo and Leo and Mercury will retrograde from 4 degrees Virgo back to 21 degrees Leo. so take a look at your business chart to see which house this is in for you and take note of any other planets around this area.

If you are not sure what the different houses represent in a business chart then check out this blog.

Virgo rules health, routines and being of service. So whilst Mercury retrogrades here it is a good time to reflect and review our business systems and routines as well as how we are serving our clients. Where in our business can we make improvements and be in service at a deeper level?

Leo rules creativity, joy, pleasure and your inner child as well as being about how you shine in the world. So whilst Mercury retrogrades here it is a good time to reflect and review how we are we are showing up and being seen and heard. Where in our business can we bring more joy and creativity and have fun with it?

Mercury retrograde is typically a time when we have issues with things such as communication, technology, and contracts and Virgo is one of Mercury’s rulers so the first part of this retrograde when it is in Virgo will likely impact all these common occurrences.

When it moves into Leo we might feel creatively blocked in our business or feel somewhat repressed – like we can’t get our message out.

Mercury retrograde business mantra

What might the position of Mercury’s August 2024 Retrograde mean for you?

In which part of your business do you need to reflect and review?

For me, it is over my business’s 1st House of Brand Identity. During the shadow period for this retrograde I had a launch meeting with Hay House to plan the Oracle Deck launch and there were certainly elements of my brand and how my business is showing up that needs refinement.

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