What to expect from the Astrology of 2023
Have you been wondering what the Astrology of 2023 holds for you? To do this you need to understand the global astrological energies.
But first, let’s reflect on the year that was…
2022: A new normal
In 2022, Jupiter shifted from the progressive and innovative sign of Aquarius into mystical, dreamy, and creative Pisces and for short periods in spontaneous and independent Aries.
2022 felt like a new normal with the added promise of a more expansive future where we can finally travel more freely again (expect to see this fully return in 2023).
There was a more balanced energy in 2022 (compared to 2021 and 2020) with outer planets in each element of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction brought a new sense of hope and vision, and we were called toward creativity & spirituality.
As we started to adjust to a post-covid (or living with covid) world the Mars, Uranus, and the North Node conjunction brought about the start of the “great reset” described by the World Economic Forum as the fourth industrial revolution and a “fundamental change to the way we live, work and relate to one another”. In other words a new paradigm for how we can thrive in this new world.
The Astrology of 2023: Major planetary positions

To understand the Astrology of 2023 we need to understand the placement of the slower-moving planets.
Jupiter moving into Aries
Jupiter shifts from the dreamy & creative sign of Pisces into spontaneous and independent Aries for the first half of 2023 (January-mid-May). There is the potential to go after and achieve your big visions in 2023 with this fiery energy. But there is also the potential to not look before we leap.
The energy of Jupiter in Aries brings a boost of confidence that allows you to turn things in your favor. Although this period of time might feel a bit scattered and chaotic -– you can expect to see the results of your work when Jupiter enters Taurus.
Jupiter in Aries rewards boldness and risk-taking and the Jupiter in Aries period is the best time to plan major action, launches, and externally focused projects.
Jupiter in Taurus
On May 16, 2023, Jupiter ends its stay in the sign of Aries and moves into Taurus, where it will stay until May 25, 2024, and you can expect to see the results of your work at this time.
When Jupiter enters the earthy and grounded sign of Taurus – it offers the chance to make solid progress toward a dream or long-term goal and put down the roots for longevity and success.
Jupiter in Taurus rewards dedication, focus, and hard work and it is a good time to focus back on the solid foundations to support our visions.
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn shifts from innovative Aquarius into dreamy Pisces.
On March 7, 2023 -Saturn will enter Pisces and stay there until May 25, 2025, before taking a brief detour into the sign of Aries. Saturn will then re-enter Pisces on August 31, 2025, and remain there until February 13, 2026.
With Saturn’s shift into Pisces, you’ll want to prepare for the inevitable clash between fantasy and reality. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of karma, maturity, responsibility, and self-discipline. When Saturn was in Aquarius, there was a global shifting of traditional work structures and travel. With Saturn shifting into sensitive Pisces — the new challenge will be focused on maintaining momentum when Saturn is in a sign that is not a natural or productive energy for it.
Saturn in Pisces might bring on passive or avoidant behaviors because Pisces energy wants to wear rose-colored glasses and live in their fantasy world rather than face the challenges of reality. Meanwhile, Saturn knows that we need boundaries, limits, focus, and continuous effort to achieve our goals. This means that in order to move forward, you’ll need to balance idealism and reality.
You might find that you feel somewhat confused or disillusioned about the extra responsibility that comes your way or you might feel low energy and lack of motivation.
The key question you need to ask yourself is am I meant to consciously focus on taking action and being responsible or am I being called to slow down and have a more introspective year? However, remember that Saturn will be in Pisces until May 2025 so you may not want to chill out for quite this long!
Neptune in Pisces
Neptune will continue to be in Pisces throughout 2023 and we may feel somewhat confused about this new world order and our place in it.
However, Neptune is at home in dreamy Pisces and so it can fully express itself here. This energy can feel somewhat slow, sluggish, or stuck and you may feel disillusioned or confused in your life.
It’s a time when you need to surrender and slow down rather than fight the energy. If you can do this you’ll create space to hear the soul callings and usher in a wealth of creative and spiritual energy
Uranus in Taurus
Uranus continues its long transit through Taurus (15-23 degrees) impacting financial systems and stability around the world. Globally we will likely experience some form of depression or recession after the Pandemic subsides and the impact can be fully observed.
We can expect ups and downs in our individual finances and changing values.
Pluto in Aquarius
In 2023 Pluto moves signs which is astrologically significant as it has been in Capricorn since late 2008.
When Pluto enters a new sign, everything about the way we view our lives and our society as a whole changes in unprecedented ways.
Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023, and will stay there until June 11, 2023, however it will not move past 0 degrees before retrograding back into Capricorn from June for the rest of the year.
This final stretch of Pluto in Capricorn will likely cause the last fight for traditional ideals versus the more progressive ideals of Aquarius – so expect some large–scale social conflict around this time.
Pluto will then settle back into Aquarius to begin its uninterrupted 20-year journey through the sign of rebellion, innovation, and change.
Pluto moving into Aquarius in 2023 is all about self-liberation and the forward progress of more egalitarian and humanitarian ideals. When Aquarius, the sign of the rebel, finds itself sitting in Pluto, the planet of death and destruction, you can almost always count on challenges to existing authoritarian systems and a collective need to harness community strength.
As evolutionary astrologer Rose Marcus explains, Pluto’s transit through Aquarius marks times of rebellions, revolutions, and significant social progress.
“What may be unthinkable, radical, outlandish, bizarre, or extraordinary today can become the norm of tomorrow’s reality,” writes Marcus.
And Pluto in Aquarius marks the era of destroying all the inequity in our systems so they can be rebuilt to better serve the collective
The Astrology of 2023: Annual Aspects
We have certainly had some heavier years when it comes to annual aspects, 2020-2022 had some really significant and difficult aspects to deal with. 2023 feels like a bit of a respite.
2023 has strong Water and Earth Energy with two of the slower-moving planets in each element.
Water and Earth make mud – where we can get stuck and bogged down, or where we can create something tangible
Lunar Node Shift
After spending the last 18 months in the signs of Taurus & Scorpio, the lunar nodes will begin their retrograde spin back into the signs of Aries & Libra in mid-2023.
The year begins with the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio, putting the emphasis on the global financial systems.
On July 17, the North Node slips back into warrior Aries while the South Node enters relationship-oriented Libra. Relationships become a focus as we need to balance our desire for freedom with the requirements of our intimate relationships.
With this transition away from the Taurus & Scorpio toward the Aries & Libra polarity, you may find yourself moving away from aggressive social conformity and more easily towards independence and individual expression. And while all signs will feel the effects of this shift, naturally, Aries and Libra placements will be impacted the most.
Historically, this nodal cycle has coincided with major discoveries, including the dwarf planet Eris—which was transiting through Aries when discovered on January 5, 2005. Eris was named after the goddess of discourse and strife, fitting for anything that falls under the reign of warrior Aries.
Want to learn more about the Astrology of 2023?
If you’d like to dive in more into the Astrology of 2023 including a process to assess your astrological blueprint for 2023, the new and full moons, and retrograde periods check out my Your Soulful Year program.