In my last blog, I wrote about 2022 and the year that was. In this blog, I want to tell you about my word of the year and my plans for 2023.

My theme word for 2023

I wanted a word for 2023 that could embrace the change in energy with global travel opening up as well as the amount of creativity that I knew 2023 would both bring and require of me.
When I felt into my word for the year I played with words like travel, explore, and creativity but the words “Soar” and “Awe” both kept coming through.
So I decided to listen to my intuition and chose the words “Soar with Awe”.
To “Soar” to me is about growth, and expansion, and it also reminds me of flying, travel, and adventure.
Whilst “Awe” conjures a sense of delighted amazement – and that’s how I want to feel in my business. So in awe of what I have achieved. When I am in awe or awe-inspired I feel curious and creative and I know that creativity is a big part of 2023 as is continuing to live out my Leo north node in the 11th house.
So that’s my word(s) of the year. What’s yours? You can find out more about my process to pick my word for the year here

How I’m making this real
- Lots of Travel – Bali in March and May, Tulum in August, an interstate trip in June, and possibly a trip to Europe in October.
- A year focused on creation – writing and delivering my Level 2 certification and my Business Astrology Book
- Focusing on the activities that I know will grow my business
Supporting Themes

I always pick some supporting themes for my year. These are additional themes that I want my year to be based around.
In 2023 these themes are:
- Creative Retreats every 3-4 months – to allow me to focus on content creation for my Level 2 certification and my book.
- All roads lead to the Certification – I’ve had a few years of creative expression and expansion in a lot of different directions – in 2023 it is about doubling down and focusing on the Level 1 and 2 Certification and the associated Business Mentoring Program.
- Awaken my Sagittarius Sun & Leo North Node in the 11th House – through taking advantage of as many travel opportunities as I can including personal trips to Bali and running my Community Retreat in Tulum, Mexico, and possibly an event in Europe.
- Build our beautiful certification community – through feminine and soulful leadership, creating new opportunities to connect and have fun and increase our member’s sense of belonging.
- Focus on platforms and strategies that derive the most benefit – invest in training specific to Pinterest and continue to focus on adding value through blogging and staying in touch with my community via a weekly newsletter.
This means that as I make decisions I ask myself:
- Will this support me to grow my business astrology certification?
- Does this take away from my priority of focused content creation?
- Am I awakening my Sag Sun and Leo North Node through this action or idea?
- Will this help to build our beautiful certification community?
- Is this aligned with my intention to take a creative retreat every 3-4 months?
- Am I focusing on platforms and activities that derive the most benefit or am I getting distracted?
You can find out more about my process to pick my word for the year and supporting themes here.
2023 Goals

As you may have read in my recent year in-review blog – my Level 1 Astrology Certification accounts for over 50% of my business revenue.
For this reason, in 2023 my mantra continues to be “all roads lead to the Certification”.What this means is that everything I do in my business should support me to train more and more people in the Business Astrology Certification.
My goals in 2023 are to:
- Earn $300k+ through my business with at least 60% of this coming from the certification (Level 1 & Level 2)
- Launch the Level 1 Certification twice and enroll 60+ students in 2023
- Launch and enroll 15+ students into the Level 2
- Sell 12+ places for the Tulum Retreat
- Write my Book Draft
- Get a publisher for the Deck + Book
- Create all of the Level 2 content
- Travel as much as I can – including Bali (Twice), Tulum, and perhaps Europe.
I will do this by:
- Put the majority of my focus into launches of the Level 1 and 2 certifications as well as investing in high-quality custom-designed certification infrastructure.
- Continue to focus on activities that grow my list
- Set aside time for creative retreats three times in 2023 to write my book draft as well as content for the Level 2 certification
- Write proposals to at least 4 publishers
- Reduce work that falls outside this core foundation
Tip: Make your goals a reality – declare it and make it real publicly (to your list, on your blog, on your social media or in Facebook groups).
My Numerology

2023 is a 7-year for me.
Contemplation, Stillness, Inner Wisdom, Spirituality/Soul, Learning, Magic, Confusion, Choice, Possibilities, Consciousness, and Analysis.
2023 feels like a year where I need to focus on what I need to do in order to make the most of the 8-year when it arrives. My last 8 year was my most successful in business and I want to be placed to really harness it.
I’ll need a lot of alone time to write and create and to gain clarity.
I feel like it will also be a year of deepening my advanced astrology skills as I write advanced astrology courses – I’ll also deepen my own education.
Often times people seek out therapy during a 7-year and it’s interesting that soon after my birthday I decided that I wanted to work with a psychotherapist on some deep issues.
You can find out more about how to find out what numerological year it is for you here.
So what is my focus in 2023?

My focus is:
To become a published expert on Business Astrology and to develop my business astrology certification into a multi-year premium education experience.
My Astrological Energies for 2023

I have a large focus on my 7th and 8th houses in 2023 which represent Marriage & Partnership (including business partnerships) and Sex, Money, Power, the Underworld, Death and Rebirth, and other People’s Money.
What this says to me is that my continued business growth and expansion could bring some pressure to my marriage with Chiron and Neptune activating the 7th house but Jupiter here could also bring successful business partnerships.
With Uranus continuing to transit my 8th House there will likely be unexpected events relating to other people’s money as well as the potential death of those I care about. Jupiter will bring some much-desired luck and expansion to this part of my life.
Saturn activating my 6th House reminds me that creating healthy and structured routines is very important to manage any health issues and Pluto wants to continue transforming me through my 5th house of creativity.
You can learn about which parts of your chart are being activated here.
A year from now

I am so proud of what I achieved in 2023:
- I earned over $300k including a six-figure launch for the Level 1 certification
- Enrolled the Level 1 twice and the Level 2 once
- Took myself on two business retreats – including a solo trip to Bali and ran a community retreat in Tulum
- Experienced some wonderful surprise opportunities to speak or collaborate with those I respect
- Finished my book draft and wrote and delivered all the Level 2 training.
- Created the structure for my biggest year ever in 2024.
My Affirmation for 2023

“I soar with awe.
My creativity & passion fuels my business and my love of travel and I achieve awe-inspiring success bigger than my wildest dreams. “
I encourage you to go through a similar process for your own business and you can do this with my business planning day framework Your Soulful Year.