In my last blog, I wrote about 2020 and the year that was. In this blog, I want to tell you about my word of the year and my plans for 2021.
Theme Word for 2021

I wanted a word for 2021 that embraced the fact that I have moved beyond building the strong structures, foundations, and solid cash flow in my business and that really embraced the next level of my business goals.
Freedom is a core value for me and in 2021 it represents freedom to create, freedom in my lifestyle and creating full financial freedom.
I also feel I’m being drawn to focus on freedom as in many ways I don’t feel free – I don’t feel free to plan and undertake travel and exploration. As a Sagittarius sun, this feels super limiting and difficult but my challenge is to learn how to feel free despite these limitations, to be present, and to take the opportunities that this “limited freedom” provides.
And there have been opportunities to focus on doing the work, building solid foundations and finances without the distraction and cost of international travel.
You can find out more about my process to pick my word for the year here
How I’m making this real
- Through creating the creative products that are meaningful to me such as my new course Your Astrological Soul and a Chart Reading Course later in 2021
- Through creating more space in my life to spend building my business
- To be spending more time working from home than anywhere else and being able to have maximum control over my time
- By creating the financial mechanisms to achieve full financial freedom this year through the business including:
- regular astrology clients (already achieved),
- regular evergreen sales through the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy (already achieved)
- by setting up a guaranteed flow of revenue for 2021 through the Level 1 Business Astrology Certification (in progress and on track)
- by the end of 2021 the Level 2 Business Astrology Certification
- Regular design clients through Pisces Creative Co (in progress and on track but hoping to grow further)
Supporting Themes
I always pick some supporting themes for my year. These are additional themes that I want my year to be based around.
In 2021 these themes are:
- Building a globally recognised Business Astrology Academy with a full level 1 cohort, regular evergreen sales, and a level 2 training for 2022 (launched November 2021)
- Being a masterful custodian of my business finances and attracting abundance and opportunities for exponential growth
- Making decisions that create and increase lifestyle, creative and financial freedom
- Saving for and achieving personal financial goals – my husband and I always start each year with projects that we want to save for and achieve, in 2021 they include buying a new car for me and landscaping the very back of our garden so that we can build a shed for our boat.
- Growing a thriving branding business at Pisces Creative Co
This means that as I make decisions I ask myself:
- Will this support me to be globally recognised for business astrology
- Will this help me to experience lifestyle, creative and/or financial freedom?
- Will this help me to be a masterful custodian of my business finances?
- Will this allow me to experience exponential growth?
- Will this allow me to save for my personal financial goals?
- Is this aligned with growing a thriving branding business?
You can find out more about my process to pick my word for the year and supporting themes here.
2021 Goals
These days my business is designed around the core modality of Astrology and I believe in it so much that I have developed multiple ways to use it with clients – through personalised readings, astrology training and education and astrology aligned branding.
I do this through three platforms:
- KathrynHocking.com – Astrology Readings
- The Embodied Soul Astrology Academy – Astrology Training & Certification
- Pisces Creative Co – Soul Aligned Branding using Astrology
Through these three platforms, my goals in 2021 are to Earn multiple 6-figures and become fully financially free and empowered.
I will do this by:
- Continue to be fully booked for astrology readings each month
- Enrolling 20+ people in the Level 1 Business Astrology Certification by January 29th 2021.
- Launching and enrolling 20+ people in the Level 2 Business Astrology Certification by the end of 2021 and re-enrolling a full cohort for the Level 1 for 2022.
- Working with 2 amazing design clients each month through Pisces Creative Co
A tip for making your goals a reality – declare it and make it real publicly (to your list, on your blog, on your social media or in Facebook groups).
2020 is a 5 year for me.
There is an energy of freedom, independence, expansion, creative chaos and adventure and change to a 5 year. It is a fast and sometimes hectic year where unexpected opportunities present themselves. It can be a year of travel however, given the covid environment I’m not so sure on that!
I feel most that this year will be one less focus on the foundations – because those were established in 2019 and 2020 and more on expansion and creativity – enjoying the fruits of my labour and watching my business bloom before my eyes.
You can find out more about how to find out what numerological year it is for you here.
So what is my focus in 2021?
My focus is to:
Build my Level 1 & Level 2 Astrology Training to provide high touch, intimate and quality astrology training for entrepreneurs as well as Building Pisces Creative Co into a unique and soulful creative house.
My Astrological Energies for 2021
I have a large focus on my 5th, 6th & 7th houses in 2021 which represents Pleasure & Creativity, Day to Day Health and Routine and Partnership & Marriage.
In 2021 I have Jupiter over the 5th & 6th House bring luck and expansion to creativity, pleasure and day to day routine.
Saturn & Pluto are over the 5th house bringing structure and responsibility, and transformation to my zone of creativity and Pleasure. Saturn will conjunct my south node towards the end of 2021 which may bring fear to finally letting go of old work and bring up some past life karma energy.
For this reason in 2021 creativity is going to be a big focus and I see this coming through my new business Pisces Creative Co as well as through creating new astrology courses.
Uranus is over my 8th house continuing to bring highs and lows of unexpected change to the realm of other people’s money. We experienced this in 2019 and 2020 and this energy will continue. This could mean unexpected inheritances or taxes or even a business partner or investor. Expect the unexpected with Uranus! Uranus will also conjunct my Chiron which may bring an unexpected healing or healing crisis’ to my core wound around money and power and death.
Neptune is over my 6th House of daily routine and Neptune is bringing a sense of disillusionment and confusion over my daily routine not being exactly what I want it to be – but I’ll stay the course as I know the greater purpose it is serving! Neptune wil conjunct my DC line of relationships and I may feel a stronger than normal confusion or haze around relationships.
You can learn about which parts of your chart are being activated here.
A year from now
- My Level 2 Business Astrology Certification has launched and enrolled
- The 2nd cohort of Level 1 Business Astrology Training has enrolled
- I have a thriving AstroBrand business over at Pisces Creative Co where people seek me out knowing they want to work with me due to my unique approach
- I continue to have a thriving Astrology Reading practice with streamlined processes
- I have a multiple six-figure sustainable business
- I am able to take a luxurious tropical holiday as well as a trip to Europe (please goddess let the covid situation have eased by then!)
“My business is successful, abundant and purposeful and supports me to create lifestyle, creative and financial freedom”.
I encourage you to go through a similar process for your own business. You can do this with my business planning day framework, Your Soulful Year.