Trigger warning: This post discusses my experience of a loved one having an eating disorder and may be triggering for you.
I write a year-in-review post every year, and—holy Ceres—what a year it’s been!
Personally, this has been a year I’d rather forget. I’ve felt like Ceres (Demeter) in the depths of grief, mourning a daughter seemingly abducted by a sinister force. Some days, I catch glimpses of my real daughter—the radiant soul I know and love—and other days, it feels like I’m face-to-face with an alien invader wearing her skin.
Yet, through this unimaginable experience, I’ve also undergone profound healing—within myself, within my family system, and within my connection with my daughter. We’ve confronted and healed deep wounds together, and I’m cautiously hopeful as we step into the future, more connected than ever.
Amidst this deeply personal chapter, I’ve also poured my heart into one of the most significant projects of my business: creating and launching the Business Astrology Oracle Deck with Hay House.
I’ve had to lovingly release projects that simply weren’t in alignment with the divine plan for this year, trusting that my energy was most needed at home—with my daughter, and in what often felt like an advanced degree in communication and teamwork with my husband.
This year also marked the first two hits of my Uranus Opposition transit. And let me tell you—Uranus transits are never what you expect. I plan to share a dedicated blog post reflecting on this wild astrological journey when my opposition completes in May or June next year.
Yes, it’s been a year… one I’ll never forget.
Despite the challenges, 2024 also brought some truly incredible personal and professional moments. Some highlights include:
- Taking my oldest daughter to the Taylor Swift Concert—a core memory officially activated!
- Filling my AstroBiz Mastermind with incredible soul-aligned entrepreneurs.
- Embarking on a creative writing retreat in Bali—a gift to my soul and creativity.
- Getting serious about my YouTube channel and showing up on video consistently.
- Setting up a successful evergreen funnel for my Business Astrology Certification.
- Enrolling in both a card reading certification and a mystery school to deepen my spiritual practice.
- Completing four out of six modules of my Astrology Diploma—so close to the finish line!
- Creating a beautiful altar in my office, infusing my workspace with intention and sacred energy.
- Traveling to Bali with my kids and hubby—a cherished family adventure.
- Writing a new course – Your Constellation of Offerings.
- Receiving the first copy of my Hay House Oracle Deck in September—an unforgettable milestone.
- Recording videos and having photos taken for the deck in the Sunshine Coast in October.
- Finally having a product listed on Amazon!
- Receiving promotional copies of the oracle deck and joyfully sending out 23 special packages to entrepreneurs I admire.

It’s been a year of milestones and moments I’ll treasure forever.
2024 was a year that called me to focus deeply on my family—caring for my daughters and prioritizing the highest-impact activities in my business.
My solar return chart hinted at a landmark year, and it certainly delivered—but not without its challenges. Balancing ambition in my business with being fully present at home stretched me in ways I never anticipated. Honestly, I feel like I’ve earned a Mother of the Year award for showing up with a whole new level of presence and devotion in my parenting.
At its core, 2024 was about tending to what truly mattered—pouring my energy into the spaces and people who needed me most.
The energy of 2024
In 2024, I was in a Personal 8-Year—a year often described as one of Abundance, Infinite Potential, Reward, Recognition, Attainment, Worth, Wealth, Health, Pride, Courage, Strength, and Power.
However, this energy didn’t manifest in the way I had expected, and it certainly wasn’t an easeful journey. Yet, the 8-Year’s themes of reward and recognition undeniably showed up in the publishing of my Oracle Deck with Hay House—a milestone I’m incredibly proud of. That said, my business still has another six months in its own 8-Year, so there’s still time for those themes to fully unfold.
In many ways, I feel like I was already doing the deep inner work of the 9-Year cycle, which officially began for me in late November. This period has been about releasing what’s non-essential, shedding what no longer serves me, and making space for the new cycle that begins at the end of 2025.
If you’re curious about your own Personal Year and how to align with its energy, check out Your Soulful Year!
Astrological Transits
In 2024, I was initiated into my Uranus Opposition. At first, I thought, “Hey, this won’t be so bad—Uranus is positively aspected in my chart!” But as the transit unfolded, it became clear that Uranus always delivers the unexpected.
This opposition played out with natal Uranus in my 2nd house and transiting Uranus in my 8th house. Naturally, I was concerned about my father’s health worsening (which it has) and the possibility of his passing (which, thankfully, hasn’t happened). Yet, I’ve experienced metaphorical deaths on so many levels—the death of what I thought my life was, how I thought my beautiful daughter was going, how my husband and I functioned as a team, and even the death of my sense of freedom and independence.
Today I wrote in a group that I felt like I was going through a Ceres initiation. In the last six months, I’ve embodied Ceres. My daughter has been abducted into the underworld by her mental illness—controlled by a dark force that feels impossible to reason with. I’ve been grieving for what was while catching fleeting glimpses of my real daughter, only for her to disappear again under the weight of this illness.
Like Ceres, I’ve been fiercely focused on nourishing her, both physically and emotionally, doing everything I can to ensure her growth isn’t stunted and, quite literally, to keep her alive. I’ve had to sit in deep grief while holding onto a fragile thread of hope that she will return to me. I’ve been waiting for the metaphorical summer to arrive while also being pulled into my own depths.
This experience has given me a profound and intimate understanding of Ceres—a goddess who, not surprisingly, spent most of the year transiting my 4th and 5th houses of home, family, and children.
Key Astrological Transits in 2024:
- Chiron opposite Pluto (7th & 1st houses)
This transit brought intense conflicts and confrontations with my husband about how best to support and heal our daughter. I had to fight for him to understand the gravity of the situation and trust that I held deeper knowledge about this illness. - Chiron trine Neptune (7th & 3rd houses)
Together, my husband and I worked to heal communication patterns—specifically avoidance and overly optimistic, thinking—that were no longer serving us in this crisis. - Saturn trine Mercury (6th & 2nd houses)
I had to get realistic about what I could and couldn’t achieve in my business projects this year, prioritizing sustainability over striving. - Chiron square Moon (7th & 11th houses)
This transit brought deep emotional pain, made even harder by the limitations on what I could share publicly at the time. It required me to go even deeper into my relationship with my husband, strengthening our emotional bond. - Pluto square Venus (5th & 1st houses)
This was a period of soul-shaking pain related to one of my children. It shattered my idealistic vision of my life and, at times, deeply impacted my ability to remain open and receptive to abundance in my business.
If you want to understand your major transits and how to navigate them, check out my Year Ahead Reading or learn how to do it for yourself in the Level 2 Certification!
My 2024 Theme Word
My main word—or, more accurately, phrase—for 2024 was Illustrious Luminary.
To be illustrious means to be well-known, respected, and admired for past achievements. And luminary, beyond its astrological reference to the Sun and Moon, refers to a person of prominence or brilliant achievement or a body that gives light.
I chose this phrase because with a landmark solar return year—marked by the Sun conjunct my Midheaven (MC) and the launch of my oracle deck—it felt aligned with my readiness to step into my leadership in a big way.
However, life had other plans for me. Perhaps, it was about showing others that we can embody both of these roles—that we can be both Illustrious and Luminary while simultaneously holding space for the and—the complexities of life, the messy realities, and the multifaceted nature of our journey.
This year, it wasn’t just about shining. It was about navigating the shadows and still radiating light, even when things didn’t go as expected.

Learn how to align your word of the year with your solar return here.
My Supporting Themes for 2024
1. Double Down on My Niche Expertise
How I did:
I refined my social media presence, particularly on Instagram and YouTube, with a sharper focus on Business Astrology. I became more intentional about checking in with myself to ensure I wasn’t drifting too far into general natal astrology but staying aligned with my core niche.

2. Continuously Improve the Business Astrology Certification
How I did:
In 2024, we enhanced our certification marking process, documented any missing operating procedures, and focused on strengthening our induction experience. I also introduced a mastermind to provide tailored support for students ready to start or grow their businesses.
3. Spread My Message Far and Wide
How I did:
This theme wasn’t pursued as fully as I had hoped. I was honored to be invited to speak at my first international astrology conference, but I had to decline due to my daughter’s health and my need to remain close to home. However, the pre-order launch of my oracle deck has significantly expanded my reach, and I’ve started pitching myself for podcast interviews, securing several bookings to amplify my message.
4. Be Pioneering and Brave
How I did:
This ties back to my first theme—having the courage to boldly step forward as a pioneering voice in Business Astrology. While I feel I’ve made meaningful strides here, I know there’s so much more to come.
5. Set a Clear and Strategic Annual Plan
How I did:
I stayed consistent with my planning, maintaining clear annual, quarterly, and monthly plans. In the final quarter, I intentionally cleared space to focus on the oracle deck launch, ensuring my energy and attention were aligned with this monumental project.
6. Invest in My Success
How I did:
Due to the intense demands at home, I made the tough decision to withdraw from a significant investment in my personal and professional growth. While this decision felt difficult and even a little embarrassing at the time, I know it was the right choice.
That said, I still invested in key areas, particularly around the oracle deck launch, including professional photography, video production, and website design. I had also hoped to complete my astrology diploma this year. While I made meaningful progress, I wasn’t able to fully meet this goal.
Each theme brought valuable lessons, and while not everything unfolded as planned, I can see the growth and alignment that emerged through the process.
Big Lessons from 2024
1. Balancing Business When Life Falls Apart
Running a business while navigating deep personal challenges is incredibly hard. I had to learn how to balance showing up and honoring my business commitments (and allowing myself positive distraction) while also prioritizing my daughter’s needs and recognizing my own capacity amidst profound emotional pain.
2. Launching a Published Product is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
This was my first experience launching a product with a traditional publisher, and it brought valuable lessons. I had to learn to pace myself over an extended timeline, budget for a prolonged launch process, and manage the reality that royalties won’t flow in immediately. I also needed to balance this high-visibility project with my other offerings that provide more immediate revenue.
3. Uranus Opposition—Never What You Expect
I didn’t anticipate this year being as difficult as it was, especially since Uranus is well-aspected in my chart. Despite having experienced two previous mid-life cycle transits that shook my world, this one still caught me off guard in its intensity and the areas of my life it touched.
4. You Can’t Force Timing
I was determined to resubmit my book proposal to Hay House this year. While I made meaningful progress, I realized I wasn’t truly ready to commit to the deadlines and demands of drafting a book that would inevitably follow securing a deal.
Instead of forcing it and placing myself under unnecessary stress, I’ve released this goal with love and rescheduled it for mid-2025.
In hindsight, I also understand why Hay House was hesitant to move forward before the oracle deck launch. Among other reasons, it would have divided my focus and potentially compromised the success of this incredibly important project. Everything in its right time!
Each lesson has been a teacher, revealing both my resilience and the importance of surrendering to life’s natural rhythms.
Business Success Secrets in 2024
I believe every year I’m in business is a success — and you should too! Here are the key strategies and actions that had the most impact on my year:
1. Instagram & YouTube
I grew my followers on these platforms by 30% this year by:
- Focusing on Instagram Lives and Reels.
- Recording an average of two YouTube videos per month.
- Niching my content specifically to Business Astrology.
2. Regular Webinars & Free Training
I delivered multiple free trainings, including:
Using the Demio platform streamlined — and in some cases automated — the delivery of these trainings, allowing me to focus on impact and engagement.

3. Set up and Optimized Level 1 Certification Funnel
This year, I successfully established a Level 1 funnel by running my Superpower Training live 1–2 times per month.
- This funnel led directly to sales of my Level 1 Certification.
- It generated 11 sales over 6 months, bringing in over $18K USD in revenue for a premium self-study program.
- On average, I earn at least $3,000 USD each time I run a 90-minute training session. #winning!
Next year, I’ll optimise this funnel further and increase ad spend to maximize its potential.
4. Consistency
- I wrote weekly blogs and sent out a newsletter every week without fail.
- This consistency kept my audience engaged, nurtured, and informed — a foundational element of my growth this year.
5. Making Strategic Offers
- You can’t grow a business without offers for people to say yes to.
- I planned my launches and promotions a year in advance, ensuring steady revenue and sustainable growth.
6. Flagship Offers
- My Level 1 Certification, Level 2 Certification, and Mastermind programs brought in 83% of my business revenue.
- This level of clarity and focus allows me to refine and simplify my offerings, ensuring they remain impactful and aligned with my mission.

For help determining your flagship offers join my mastermind.
7. A Consistent Approach to Planning
- My planning process starts with annual goals (using my Your Soulful Year framework).
- I then break these into quarterly initiatives, followed by monthly and weekly plans.
- My weekly calendar is highly structured, with time-blocking to ensure I stay on track.
- I use Motion to automate task management, shifting anything uncompleted (or unable to be fit in) to the following week seamlessly.
The secret to my success? Consistency, realistic planning, and discipline. These aren’t glamorous qualities, but they are undeniably effective.
Biggest Challenges
1. Major Health Issues with one of my children
As I’ve shared, my ability to grow my business and develop new offerings this year was deeply impacted by my daughter’s serious health challenges. Balancing my commitments to her and my business required immense emotional and logistical effort.
2. Lack of Personal Freedom
As a Sagittarius Sun, freedom and travel are essential to my soul. I’m incredibly grateful that the universe aligned a trip to Bali before my daughter’s diagnosis. However, I also had to decline several international opportunities for my business — something that was deeply challenging for me. That said, I don’t regret prioritizing my daughter’s well-being for a moment.
3. Cash Flow
Managing cash flow remains one of the most challenging aspects of running my business — and I know I’m not alone in this struggle.
- My revenue is largely launch-based, creating natural peaks and valleys in income.
- I’m continually working towards a better balance between launch income and evergreen/enroll-anytime offers to create more stability.
- In 2025, optimizing product funnels will be a key focus to help reduce cash flow volatility.
4. Moving Past Social Anxiety and Being More Visible
Certain aspects of my business come naturally to me: writing, teaching, speaking on stage, and even selling. But visibility — especially on social media — is an ongoing challenge.
- I’m naturally introverted, with social anxiety tendencies, and a bit of a hermit at heart.
- However, with my Leo North Node in the 11th house, I know I’m destined to shine in front of larger audiences and communities.
2025 is set to be a big year for visibility, so I’m committed to continuing to stretch myself and show up more boldly in alignment with my purpose.
2024 Round-up
What I actually achieved in My Business This Year!
- Navigated the Entire Publishing Process with Hay House: Oversaw every stage of the publishing process for my Business Astrology Oracle Deck, acting as Creative Director for the updated version.
- Launched the Oracle Deck for Pre-Orders: Successfully launched pre-orders, setting the stage for its global release.
- Built an Evergreen Funnel for Level 1 Certification: Created an effective evergreen funnel for my Level 1 Business Astrology Certification, generating consistent sales and revenue.
- Ran My Level 2 Business Astrology Certification: Delivered my advanced certification program with a dedicated group of students.
- Developed Two Advanced Astrology Courses: Wrote two advanced astrology courses—equivalent to 14 weeks of training.
- Created a 5-Week AstroBranding Course: Designed a focused and strategic new course to help entrepreneurs align their offerings with their astrology.
- Traveled to Bali Twice: Took restorative and inspiring trips to Bali, balancing work and personal rejuvenation.
- Worked on Premium Brand Identities: Collaborated with a select handful of premium clients to craft soul-aligned brand identities.
- Launched and Delivered AstroBiz Mastermind: Successfully launched, filled and ran my AstroBiz Mastermind, supporting entrepreneurial growth through astrology.
- Created and Launched the Solar Return Toolkit: Designed and released an innovative toolkit for aligning annual business goals with solar return charts.
- Conducted Over 40 Client Astrology Readings: Provided deep, insightful astrology sessions for my clients.
- Created Three New Free Workshops: Delivered Soul Purpose Alchemy, Discover Your Superpower, and Overcoming Business Blocks workshops.
- Produced a Video Series: Launched an engaging video series designed to educate and inspire my audience – keep an eye out for this in 2025!
- Grew My Audience on Instagram & YouTube by 30%: Focused on consistent content creation with Instagram Lives, Reels, and regular YouTube videos.
- Published Weekly Blogs & Newsletters: Maintained a consistent content schedule with fresh weekly blogs and newsletters.
…and so much more!
It’s been a big, expansive, and deeply meaningful year in business—one I’m incredibly proud of!
What’s Next?
If you’ve made it this far—firstly, congratulations! This was a long one, and I’m truly grateful you stuck with me.
Secondly, you might be thinking, “Wow, this feels a little self-indulgent or self-congratulatory,” but honestly, this annual reflection is one of my favorite rituals.
Why? Because, like many of us with strong Ruler Archetype energy, it’s easy for me to feel like I haven’t done enough or achieved as much as I could have. Writing this blog grounds me in the truth of what I’ve accomplished, the successes I’ve celebrated, and the lessons I’ve learned. It’s a practice that leaves me feeling grateful, content, and deeply aware of how much love and effort I pour into my work each year.
So here’s my invitation to you: Try this practice for yourself. Take time to reflect, write it all down, and let yourself truly see everything you’ve done. It’s a powerful gift you can give yourself.
That’s a wrap on my 2024 reflection! Stay tuned for my next blog, where I’ll share what’s on the horizon for 2025—including some exciting plans and dreams I can’t wait to unfold.
From my family to yours—Happy New Year! May it be everything you wish for and more.
And so it is.