What the moon phase you were born under means about you

What the moon phase you were born under means about you

Have you ever stopped to think about the moon phase you were born under? Do you even know how to find this out? The answer is using a moon phase calculator. I’ve been working with the lunar (moon cycles) for years now. Early on I learned about setting intentions at the new moon and releasing […]

How to plan your launch with the moon cycles

How to plan your launch with the moon cycles

I’ve been planning my launches with the moon cycles for years (I affectionately call this AstroLaunching) and it has been game-changing because the moon cycle is the perfect way to plan a launch that works for you and your business. AstroLaunching & Moon Phases One way to plan your launch with the moon cycles is […]

What does it mean when Pluto is in Retrograde?

What does it mean when Pluto is in Retrograde?

Pluto is in Retrograde from April 30th to October 8th 2022. Firstly what is a retrograde?  A retrograde is when a planet appears to turn backward in the sky. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit.  All the major planets (excluding the luminaries – the sun and the moon) go […]

Jupiter Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

Jupiter Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

We will experience the direct Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on the 12th of April 2022 at 24 degrees Pisces.  The Sabian Symbol for this Jupiter Neptune conjunction. The Sabian symbols describe the 24th degree of Pisces as “The tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean, but its happy inhabitants have created a world all of their […]

What does the equinox have to do with Astrology?

What does the equinox have to do with Astrology?

You might have heard that it is the equinox this week but wondered what it is and how it relates to astrology. Well, when we work with planetary cycles (transits) we are able to understand the stage of life that we are in – these transits can occur over multiple years.  However, there is another […]

How to use Astrology to plan your year ahead

How to use Astrology to plan your year ahead

Can you really use Astrology to plan your year? Heck yes! One of my favorite applications of Astrology is to plan your year ahead but this can feel a little overwhelming so in this blog, I’m going to share three ways that you can do this. Track and plan for Retrograde Periods Every year most […]

The Astrology of 2022

The Astrology of 2022 The Astrology of 2022

What to expect from the Astrology of 2022 & how it will impact your chart and life Have you been wondering what the Astrology of 2022 holds for you? Well, first you need to understand the global astrological energies and then apply them to your individual chart.  But first, let’s reflect on the year that […]

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