Publishing an Oracle Deck was both a long and deeply rewarding process—one that took 18 months of focused work but truly started 14 years ago.

With over a decade of experience in online business and a passion for astrology, many years ago I realized there was a gap in resources for applying astrology to entrepreneurship.

I had this deep knowing that business astrology could be a powerful tool, allowing soulful entrepreneurs to align their business strategies with astrological insights. This realization inspired me to create a pioneering approach to business astrology, which eventually evolved into the Business Astrology Oracle Deck—a resource designed to blend cosmic insights with practical strategies for business success.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how the deck came to life, from concept to publication.

Synchronicity and Divine Timing

I had always envisioned working with a publisher eventually, but it came sooner than I expected when a friend introduced me to an editor at Hay House, a renowned publisher of spiritual and personal development works. At the time, during the COVID pandemic, there were material shortages, and production of oracle decks had paused. However, my timing couldn’t have been more aligned as publishers were starting to ramp up again.

The opportunity came sooner than I felt ready, but I knew I had to seize it and trust the process.

The Pitch and the Offer

On April 19th, 2023, I was introduced to Amy, my incredible editor at Hay House. As we discussed the deck, I learned that she had worked with some of my favorite spiritual entrepreneurs, including Rebecca Campbell and Yasmin Boland. This was the moment I realized I was in amazing hands.

I prepared a thorough pitch document detailing my deck, the results of its first launch, my platform, and why I believed it would be a great fit for Hay House.

Amy believed in my vision and presented it to her management team. To my delight, I received an offer just six weeks later, on May 31st, 2023! It felt like the universe was truly aligning in my favor.

Contracts and Creative Collaboration

Although I have years of experience in contract management (my previous work life!), I still sought out a specialist lawyer to review the publishing contract. After a short negotiation period, contracts were signed on July 3rd, and things started to move rapidly.

One of the biggest conditions of working with Hay House was redesigning the deck, and while that meant letting go of my original design, I also knew this was an opportunity to elevate the deck even further.

I recommended some designers, including one of my top picks, Paige of Prism + Fleur, an Australian designer whose work I had long admired. Hay House loved her portfolio, and she was invited to submit three sample artworks. We felt really happy with Paige’s work and one of these samples became the final card cover!

The Art of the Oracle Deck

As the creator of the deck, I was responsible for writing detailed creative briefs for each of the 62 cards, outlining the symbology, mythology, and visual elements I wanted incorporated. Some designs closely followed my original concept, while others allowed for fresh, elevated interpretations. Each card really is a mini work of art.

I wanted the artwork to blend cosmic and grounded themes, integrating strategy and soul, the masculine and feminine. It was important to me that the deck represented diversity, with different body types, ages, and cultures reflected in the cards.

Each card went through multiple rounds of revisions, first from me and then Hay House would provide their feedback. Some cards were quick to be signed off and others took more work to get right.

Finally each card went through diversity and inclusion checks, and sign-offs by Hay House. 

Packaging and Premium Design

I knew from the start that I wanted premium packaging for this deck. Together with Hay House, we selected a luxurious flip-top box with a ribbon closure, accented by gold foil.

We also carefully chose the fonts, box design, and even the words inscribed inside the box.

Designing the cover was an exciting part of the process. Interestingly, the cover image was one of our very first designs and quickly became a favorite. The symbolism of abundance and business alignment made it the perfect fit.

The Guidebook

The guidebook was another crucial element, and it went through a rigorous editing process. Working with a team of five, I refined the copy, added sections, and polished the final design. This guidebook includes six business-oriented card layouts, journal prompts, affirmations, and detailed interpretations for each card.

The editing process pushed me out of my comfort zone, requiring me to leave my ego at the door, but it was all worth it to create something truly special.

Launch Strategy and Social Media

Hay House is a fantastic publisher, but as the author, a significant amount of responsibility for the success of the deck rests on my shoulders. I quickly realized that launching an oracle deck is a multi-layered process, requiring a solid strategy months in advance.

By July, we were deep into launch planning, working with a team of 8 representatives from Hay House, including marketing, PR, events, and foreign rights specialists. I crafted a 25-page launch strategy that includes multiple events, outreach to influencers, podcast interviews, and Facebook ads.

Social media will play a key role in the launch. While I don’t have a massive following, I’m investing a lot of time into creating engaging reels, live videos, and beautiful imagery that captures the essence of the deck.

My Team

I can’t speak to the journey without mentioning some amazing team members that have helped the launch of this deck to shine.

Firstly Emma Brown of Soul Stirring Branding my amazing web designer and Lillie Clark of Studio La Luna my web developer.

My amazing assistant Charlene has taken the reigns researching and pitching podcasts to help me spread the word about this deck.

Jayne Day of Webonize who manages my Facebook ads.

And finally Michelle of Eyes of Love Photography and Dan Turner of Head North Films.

What I’ve Learned Along the Way

This has been an incredible journey, and there are a few things I want to share for anyone considering a similar path:

  • Patience is key: This process has taken 18 months of focused effort, but the vision began years ago.
  • It’s a lot of work: From writing to pitching, negotiating, designing, and launching—every step requires dedication.
  • You have to let go of some creative control: When working with a publisher, you’ll need to trust the process and allow your project to evolve.
  • It’s expensive to launch at a high level: I’ve invested over $15,000 in web design, development, photography, videography, and advertising.
  • Hay House as a publisher is amazing, but you still carry a lot of responsibility: As the author, a large part of the success of your deck depends on your efforts.

Despite the challenges, I can confidently say that this has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I can’t wait for the Business Astrology Oracle Deck to be in your hands, guiding you to align your business with the cosmos.

You can follow along on my journey and pre-order the deck here and get bonuses valued at $236USD or follow me on Instagram at @kathryn_hocking.

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