Your AstroBrand Map Logo-01

Discover your soul-aligned AstroBrand

Self Study Course (next live round early 2025)


Your AstroBrand Map dives into the fascinating technique of Astrobranding ™ and combines the well-established Brand Archetypes and applies them your natal or business Astrology chart.

to create a truly soul-aligned brand

Are you feeling confused and lacking clarity about what your branding should be and so you don’t get started at all ?

Do you know that you want branding that resonates on a deep soul level but you have no idea how to get there?

Or have you ended up with branding that you don't like and so it stops you from putting yourself out there ?

Your AstroBrand Map will give you this clarity and finally get you unstuck.

I was having these same problems with my branding and so I went deep into how astrology informs our soul-aligned brand.

I knew that Astrology had the power to illuminate what our most authentic brand should look and feel like, so I went deep and downloaded the AstroBrand Map framework.

I did all the hard work so that you don't have to!

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It’s kind of perfect that there are 12 main branding archetypes and 12 main zodiac archetypes so combining branding archetypes and astrology is a match made in heaven.

However, aligning brand archetypes with the zodiac signs is just the beginning because our brand is so much more than picking the brand archetype that matches our sun sign or zodiac sign.

Your AstroBrand Map is my proprietary framework that uses Brand and Astrological Archetypes and your birth or business chart to delve deeper than you ever thought possible into your soul-aligned brand. I developed the Astrobranding Archetype Map ™ framework in 2019 and have since worked with over 100 clients to understand their AstroBrand and align their branding (or rebrand) with their AstroBrand Signature.


Your AstroBrand Archetype Map

Combines four points on your natal or business chart

Your Brands Essence

how you shine and your purpose in the world

Your Brands Allure

How others see you and how to  authentically harness this to your advantage.

Sun (Instagram Post (Square)) (2)

Your Brands Soul Clients

Who your soul clients actually are and how to magnetize them to you.

Your Brands Connection

How you can connect most authentically with your soul clients through an aligned brand voice and copy

Plus Any other significant archetypes that need to be part of your aligned brand based on an assessment of your natal or business astrology chart.

Your AstroBrand Map is a creative and insightful journey into your soul-aligned brand based on your natal astrology chart.

How can Your AstroBrand Map help you?


It will help you to create an Authentic Brand

Astrobranding ™ will give you the confidence to show up as the true version of yourself and your business because you will see it right there in your chart. 


Astrobranding™ provides you direction to move forward

Once you understand your AstroBrand you can confidently engage a designer to brand (or rebrand) your business or create your own branding using the custom colour palette and mood board that we create through this course to start the process.


Astrobranding™ reflects what your clients love about you

Astrobranding ™ also helps you to understand what others simply LOVE about you and how to align your brand and business with this drawcard for business growth.


Astrobranding™ attracts your Soul Clients

Astrobranding ™ also helps you to connect more deeply with your soul clients without having to complete long ideal client questionnaires! This has to be one of the aspects of AstroBranding that I love the most because it can be really eye-opening.

I loved the whole process


I loved the whole process of going through my Astrology chart and finding out what my brand should look like, what it says, and what my client looks like. This helped to find out what kind of person I am appealing to and what works best to attract my clientele.

Toni Stevens

I have a succinct brand framework


As a result of working with Kathryn, I have a succinct brand framework giving me clarity around power words, audience archetypes, aligned values, and guidance in developing a brand voice that resonates.

- Lisa Erhart

I highly recommend working with Kathryn.


If you are at all challenged by branding, or just want to have a truly soul-aligned presence that you put out into the world, I highly recommend working with Kathryn.

It will completely change how to approach branding and messaging for a truly soul-aligned business!

— Bobbi Kline

I wanted to find a way to leverage the power of astrology in my rebranding process


As an astrologer myself, I wanted to find a way to leverage the power of astrology in my rebranding process. I loved that it was possible to work with my business natal chart to develop a brand that spoke to its energetic make-up and about the clients that I want to attract.

-Melissa Brisbane

AstroBrand Boards

created in previous rounds of this course

What you'll learn

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Intro to AstroBranding


// learn about the 12 core brand archetypes and how they can be aligned with the 12 signs of the zodiac.

// receive my 12 AstroBranding Mood Boards to support your journey.

// learn about the 4 sub-archetypes for each brand archetype.

// be introduced to my Astrobranding Archetype Map method and how to apply it to your business or natal chart.

Guided Live Course Cohort-min

Your Brand's Essence


// learn about how your business is meant to shine and the core essence of your brand.

// determine the sub-archetype of our business essence to refine our brand even further.

// explore the core strengths and vitality that you bring to your business brand through some world-leading profiling tools.


Your Brand's Connection


// learn about how your business is meant to connect.

// determine the sub-archetype of your business connection to refine your brand even further.

// dive into how your personal love languages can support you to connect through your business - this is a business angle of the love languages that you won’t have seen before!


Your Brand's Attraction


// learn what your soul clients love about you and your business

// determine the sub-archetype of your allure to refine your brand even further.

// dive into how we are practically living out our allure to attract and impress our soul clients

// identify the most aligned niche for you to serve and the best way for you to serve them


Your Soul Clients


// discover precisely who your soul clients are

// determine the sub-archetype of your soul clients to refine your brand and offerings even further.

// go even deeper to identify your super soul client

// identify the most aligned niche for you to serve and the best way for you to serve them

Your AstroBrand Map


// summarise your AstroBrand into a cohesive whole

// explore your aligned brand values, brand voice, and power words to help you when communicating through your brand (think website copy, social media, and more!)

// identify an aligned colour palette for your AstroBrand and learn about colour psychology and colour design theory

// develop a Mood Board for your unique AstroBrand (including a Canva template and training). I’ll include some of my best resources for creating your mood board and I’ll provide feedback once you have created it. This will provide you with the perfect clarity and strategy to create your own visual branding or engage a designer without the stress of not being clear on what you want.


What's included in the course?

7 live coaching calls


7 weekly live coaching calls that are recorded and placed in the members site for you to watch at your leisure.

7 Training Modules

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You will receive access to my custom designed membership site as well as beautiful PDF workbooks to apply your learnings to your own chart.

Plus you get access to the Gallup Strengths Finder assessment (top 5 strengths) valued at $20USD.

Your own set of 12 AstroBranding cards


Plus I'll send you my set of professionally printed AstroBrand Cards in the mail.

Your Investment

Your AstroBrand Map (Pay in Full)

$499 USD (Valued at over $2100 USD)

  • 7 live coaching calls (Value: $700)
  • 6 detailed course modules with PDF modules, instructional videos and resources (Value $1200)
  • Mood board & Brand Guide template (Value $200)
  • 12 AstroBrand Archetype cards sent in the post (Value $50)

Your AstroBrand Map (Payment Plan)

2 x 275 USD

  • 7 live coaching calls (Value $700)
  • 6 detailed course modules with PDF modules, instructional videos and resources (Value $1200)
  • Mood board & Brand Guide template (Value $200)
  • 12 AstroBrand Archetype cards sent in the post (Value $50)
credit card (1)

Wouldn't it feel amazing if...

You didn't feel lost and confused about your brand

You knew how your business truly shines & the specific way you shine within it

You knew what your soul clients love about you

You knew how to connect authentically with your soul clients


You knew exactly who those soul clients actually were

You had a clear and comprehensive brand mood board and strategy guide to provide to a brand designer or to use to design your own brand visuals

Discovering my soul-aligned AstroBrand helped me to align all the different parts of my business into an aligned and cohesive whole.

This may feel like a big investment

But compare that to hiring a brand designer without a clear strategy of your soul-aligned brand

Imagine all the hours of frustration when the brands they create don't feel like you and your business on a deep soul level.

Cost in the reworking because you have been unable to give them clear direction.

Now think about the costs of having your website redesigned because you realize later this was not what you were meant to do with your business after all.

Or how about the cost to your self-esteem, happiness and future success because you never get started with your business in the first place?

In the long run this program will SAVE you time & money

Pain 4

I loved the blend of the soulful and practical of this course, it was the right amount of both.

I loved that at the end of AstroBrand Map, I have ended up with clarity around my brand voice, words and values and more importantly will help me connect more deeply with my soul client to name a few things all in one document that I can refer back to or in future give to people who I am working with.

The break down of each module with live calls in between was supportive and I loved the pace of this and the resources from the workbooks, videos and Canva templates (the attention to detail) supported the learnings.

Janine Langdon-Lee

JLL Mood board (1)

Your Investment

credit card (1)


Who is this program for?

This program does require an understanding of your Sun, Moon and Rising placements in your natal and/or business chart. If you are not familiar with this then I suggest you enroll in the upgrade option with Your Astrological Signature.

You want to finally get clear on your soul-aligned brand so that you can communicate who you are and attract your most soul-aligned clients.

You want to better understand who you are really meant to serve

When you think about colors and vibe for your brand you go round and round in circles

You don’t know how best to communicate with your audience

You want to learn from a practical, down-to-earth astrologer who understands how to create and deliver effective online training.

You want quality and beautiful training and materials and the ability to ask questions and gain support as you learn.


"I learned so much from the program! I'm a writer and initially thought the course wouldn't be that beneficial for my business, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

Presenting myself and my work in the right light is an absolute necessity, and now I have powerful tools to do just that. With a roadmap to guide me through a mind-boggling multitude of choices, the way ahead seems so much clearer.

Plus, I'm THRILLED with the stunning mood board I designed, which I couldn't have done without this class."

Sue Franklin


Meet Kathryn

Kathryn is your go-to expert for infusing soulful strategy into your brand and business, using astrology as your trusted compass. Her cosmic wisdom will help you brand (or rebrand) your business in a way that's not only strategic but deeply aligned with your core essence.

With a Sagittarius sun, Cancer moon, and Virgo rising, Kathryn embodies optimism, friendliness, sensitivity, nurturing qualities, and an unmatched knack for organization, focus, and planning. Her celestial makeup perfectly complements her mission to help you discover your brand's true essence.

Kathryn harnesses astrology's power help her clients craft divine brands that speak to your soul.

Kathryn is an intuitive and evolutionary astrologer who views astrology as a lifelong journey of dedication and growth. For her, astrology is more than a tool—it's a gateway to uncovering and aligning with your profound soul purpose. It's a means to navigate life's seasons, passages, and transitions with grace and ease, even during the toughest times.

Join Kathryn on this cosmic adventure, where astrology becomes your key to unlocking the deeper layers of your brand and life's purpose.


Are you ready to discover your AstroBrand Map?

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