Join the Level 1
Business Astrology Certification
We start March 22nd


Let me ask you a question...

Would you like to learn astrology for yourself, incorporate it into your offerings and the way you support clients, or even create your own Astrology business?

 I am so excited to offer you a Business Astrology Certification unlike anything else on the market.

Kathryn Hocking - Retouched 06

The Level 1 Business Astrology Certification

A soulful and transformational group journey to learn about your astrological blueprint, align your business and discover your unique astrological magic!

Learn business & natal astrology & discover your unique astrological magic!

This Academy is different from others out there because it is focused on Business Astrology.

Business Astrology allows us to tune into our unique skills and talents, work with our natural cycles and flow and harness the best time to launch different projects out into the world.

This is a unique and specific branch of astrology designed to help you align with your natal astrology to create your most soul-aligned business and then if you choose, help others to do the same.

who am i?

My name is Kathryn Hocking

I’ve spent the past 7 years studying intensively in Soul & Energy Medicine, Intuitive Arts, Astrology, and the Soul Centres.

I’m an in-demand astrologer, qualified soul, and energy medicine practitioner, and intuitive soul guide.

I'm the creator of the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy and ten business astrology courses covering all of the luminaries and major planets and courses on specific topics such as money astrology, career astrology, and AstroBranding.

I'm also the chief designer and CEO of Pisces Creative Co - a boutique branding house for Soulful Female Entrepreneurs that combines Astrology & Branding.

Underpinning these soulful modalities is over a decade of experience as a business coach, mentor, and online course and launching strategist working with thousands of clients and running a million-dollar e-Course.

I like to describe myself using
the Archetypes of Astrology

Zodiac Sagittarius_GOLD_Pixejoo

I have a Sagittarius Sun (otherwise known as my zodiac sign) and this means I am adventurous, optimistic, and philosophical.

I am a truth-seeker, an awakened, and a guide, and I am on a constant search for meaning.

I see life as a journey or a quest to our soul's purpose.

Zodiac Cancer_GOLD_Pixejoo

My Cancer Moon brings a sensitive and nurturing energy to my work with clients. I care deeply about every one of them and help them to push past their blocks and limiting beliefs.

I am deeply attuned to the moon cycles and I teach clients how to work closely with the moon for greater alignment and flow.

Zodiac Virgo_GOLD_Pixejoo

I am a Virgo rising and this is how I meet the world or how others see me.

This means I am analytical and organised, focused and planned, with a practical and grounded approach.

I love using astrology to select the best timing for events in your life and business.

My soul clients are sensitive women who

feel everything deeply.

Your inner child needs to feel safe, loved and nurtured.

You wear your emotions on your sleeve and often retreat to your shell to refill your cup.

You need help to stay on the path of your dreams.

You need a sanctuary to retreat to when doing brave things.

You need earth - you can be mystical and floaty - so you need to feel safe so you can activate your fire in the world.

You likely tend to overthink everything and need a practical sounding board.

I'd love to help you understand yourself and your business through


Over the next 9 months

Through 10 core Astrology courses

I’ll help you to:

  • Plan your Soulful Year

Understand the energetic blueprint of your year and what your soulful intentions are. I'll guide you through my proven Your Soulful Year transformational workshop to discover things like your numerological year, your word for the year and so much more!

  • Understand the Basics of Astrology

So that you can apply it in a practical and grounded way. We'll discover how to read your birth chart and understand the zodiac signs, houses, angles, planets and asteroids and other key birth chart elements. You'll also get free access to my Foundations of Astrology course.

  • Discover your Astrological Signature, Style, Substance and Soul

Find out how your specific luminary and planet placements can help you to be more aligned and successful than ever before by going through my 4 planetary courses. If you want to work with clients to help them understand themselves better and align their life as a result, then this suite of courses is perfect.

  • Explore your Karmic Baggage & Discover your Soul Purpose and Calling

Your soul purpose is written in the stars and we'll explore how you can embed this into your soul business. We'll dive into nodal astrology, your past lives & karma, your mid-heaven and career zone and so much more. If you are interested in using astrology with clients to help them with career or business choices, then this is perfect for you.

  • Discover your Money & Abundance Signature

We each have a unique signature when it comes to how we can magnetise and attract money and abundance into our lives. Use your astrology chart to discover the unique way you can attract money, any potential money challenges and the potential that your chart has for you. Do you have the millionaire or billionaire signatures? Let's find out! If you are a money mindset mentor or coach or cover this as part of your work, then this course is a must do.

  • Learn how to deliver Intuitive & Insightful Chart Readings

I'll teach you my exact process and framework for delivering Natal and Business Chart Readings and cover the systems you need to deliver astrology readings in a time-effective manner that is also intuition and insightful for the client. We will also cover other issues such as ethics and responsibility during an astrology reading.

The four pillars of the Certification

COURSES (Instagram Story) (Instagram Post) (500 × 300 px) (3)


the certification prospectus

gold arrow

Participation Options

Which option is right for you?

Kathryn Hocking - Retouched 33
Level 1 - Levels-03
Achieve a certification from the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy.
Have the confidence to bring astrology services into your own business.


Level 1 - Levels-02
Not only achieve the certification but also get quarterly mentoring from me to design and grow your business.




  • You want to learn how to bring astrology into your life & business to ensure your year, your way of working and your business is soul-aligned.
  • You may feel like your current career, business, and/or offering no longer reflects your true soul purpose.
  • You want to deep dive into yourself and become more aligned with your soul/life purpose
  • You have a sense you would like to build astrology readings or services into your business and you want to make sure you do it in a professional and ethical way
  • You want to have an intimate & nurturing community of other apprentice astrologers to connect with, as well as direct access to an astrology mentor
  • Not only do you want to learn how to be a professional astrologer, or bring astrology into your wider offerings, but you also want support with the development of your business strategy and offerings
  • You want accountability with the regular support of an intuitive AND practical coach.
  • You have a sense that Astrology is meant to be part of how you support your clients but you need guidance to discover the most aligned and strategic way to do this
  • You know that fears around being visible and launching your soul work are holding you back and you need support to invoke your bravery and to finally take action.

What's Included?

That all depends on which level you choose to undertake.


Included in both levels

your soulful year lady

Your Soulful Year

Explore the energetic blueprint of your year


Astrology Basics

Your quick-start guide to Astrology


Foundations of Astrology

Learn all the foundational concepts you'll need


Your Astrological Signature

Dive into the Sun, Moon & Rising Sign in astrology

Copy of Copy of ESAA Thinkific Course Cards

Your Astrological Soul

Expand your understanding with Mercury, Venus and Mars in astrology


Your Astrological Substance

Refine your understanding with Jupiter and Saturn in astrology


Your Astrological Soul

Go on a soul journey with Chiron, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus in astrology

substance lady

Your Astrological Purpose

Uncover your past life karma and soul purpose with the Lunar Nodes in astrology

abundance lady

Astrology Abundance

Discover how to identify an abundance blueprint as shown in the natal chart.


Intuitive & Insightful Chart Reading

Discover how to deliver astrology readings that leave your clients raving!


Guided Live Course Rounds

We'll go through Your Astrological Signature, Your Astrological Style, Your Astrological Substance, Your Astrological Soul, Your Astrological Purpose, Astrology Abundance and Intuitive and Insightful Chart Reading live over 12 months

(Astrology Basics & Foundations of Astrology self-study programs will be yours to go through as soon as you sign-up)


Ongoing Membership to all Level 1 courses in the Embodied Soul Astrology Academy

You'll get access to existing Academy programs including:
Foundations of Astrology, Your Astrological Signature, Your Astrological Style, Your Astrological Substance, Your Astrological Soul, Your Astrological Purpose, Astrology Abundance & Intuitive and Insightful Chart Reading.

You'll be able to attend the live course calls and ask questions in the course platform

Plus 12 months access to Your Soulful Year

 (valued at over $3,300)


Gift in the Mail

You'll receive a special gift in the mail that will help you on your Astrology learning journey!


12 months Private Community Access

Get support and feedback as you move through the training and explore how you are going to incorporate astrology into your business

me with red blouse in from of damask curtain

Community Mentor - Cate Cook

Cancer-sun, Virgo-moon, Libra-rising

Cate has gone through the first round of the certification and was the perfect fit when the role of community mentor opened up.

Cate's role is to encourage community engagement, share additional resources and support the smooth onboarding of new students into the certification.

One of the reasons I selected Cate was due to her kind and caring nature along with our similar (but different!) Astrological Signature.

What Cate had to say about the certification and being our community mentor:

"I love talking about astrology! Meeting so many people from all over the world who have the same passion and curiosities for natal charts, is so awesome!

I’m learning so much from Kath who is not only a great astrologer and teacher, but a savvy businesswoman too!"


New Moon & Full Moon Live Calls

Every fortnight we'll gather to learn about the specific energy of the new or full moon and you'll received a gorgeous PDF workbook with a ritual or activity and moon worksheet.

moon training mock-up

"One of the added benefits to working with Kath for my astrology certification, are the new and full moon calls and training.

Understanding the power of the moon during its cycles in various signs and houses has helped me to understand how to personally work with the moon's energy and harness my own power.

Having the live calls with Kath to talk things through and ask questions about the various nuances has been extremely helpful for gaining a greater understanding of the moon."

Cate Cook, Beauty Blogger


Chart Reading Training

If you want to be a professional astrologer, then having a streamlined, insightful and ethical process is super important. 

You'll receive access to my Intuitive & Insightful Chart reading course which will guide you through my proprietary process on how to prepare for and conduct astrology readings that are intuitive, insightful, supportive, ethical and have clients telling all their friends about you!


Certification Quizzes x 8 Astrology Courses

You will need to pass with 80% scores for each course.


Certification Assignment x 8 astrology courses

You will need to submit 4 written astrology readings using a provided template. One can be your own chart, one a close family or friend and two should be clients or an anonymous chart (that I can provide).

You will also need to submit a completed course workbook for each course.


Feedback on Certification Assignments

I will provide written feedback on your 4 astrology readings to support your development.


Additional 6 months to submit all assignments

You have until 31st May 2023 to finalise your assessment materials.

Included in Jupiter - Expand

In addition to the Saturn inclusions, you'll receive:


Quarterly Astrology Business Mentoring - 4 x 1-hour mentoring sessions

These sessions are for you to use as you need!

  • Perhaps you need help understanding astrology concepts.
  • Maybe you want to practice a reading on me.
  • Maybe you want my business strategy support on how you will apply astrology to your business and find your unique astrology magic.
  • Maybe you need help with setting up the systems for a streamlined client experience.
  • Maybe you need to work through fear and mindset issues.

As I am a seasoned Astrologer, Business Coach, Launch Strategist and AstroBrand Designer, I have a wealth of skills I can bring to these sessions!


Review & Feedback on your Astrology Services Page

Once you are clear on how you want to bring astrology into your business, I'll review your services page or sales page and provide feedback.

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Graduation Gift

Complete Astrology Chart Reading Manual with all the natal chart interpretations in an easy-to-access manual.



sign-up now and immediately receive...

Screen Shot 2021-12-01 at 10.34.32 am_ipad_spacegrey_portrait

Foundations of Astrology Online Course

(Valued at $199)

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Your Soulful Year 2022 Online Course

(Valued at $199)


Astrology Certification

Additional Fast Action Bonus for those who apply!

Saturn - CERTIFY

$2997 for fast action takers (Normally $3997 USD) (One off payment or 10 x $329 USD OR 14 x $235)
  • Astrology Basics (FREE)
  • Foundations of Astrology (Valued at $199)
  • Your Astrological Signature (Valued at $399)
  • Your Astrological Style (Valued at $399)
  • Your Astrological Substance (valued at $299)
  • Your Astrological Purpose (Valued at $349)
  • Your Astrological Soul (Valued at $449)
  • Astrology Abundance (Valued at $129)
  • Intuitive & Insightful Chart Reading Training
  • Your Soulful Year 2022 (valued at $199)
  • Special gift in the mail
  • New Moon & Full Moon Community Call each month
  • 12 months Community Access
  • Certification Quizzes, Assignments and Feedback x 8 Astrology Courses

Jupiter - Expand

$3750 for fast action takers (Normally $4997 USD) One off payment or 10 x $412 USD or 14 x $295
  • Astrology Basics (FREE)
  • Foundations of Astrology (Valued at $199)
  • Your Astrological Signature (Valued at $399)
  • Your Astrological Style (Valued at $399)
  • Your Astrological Substance (valued at $299)
  • Your Astrological Purpose (Valued at $349)
  • Your Astrological Soul (Valued at $449)
  • Astrology Abundance (Valued at $129)
  • Intuitive & Insightful Chart Reading Training
  • Your Soulful Year 2022 (valued at $199)
  • Special gift in the mail
  • New Moon & Full Moon Community Call each month
  • 12 months Community Access
  • Certification Quizzes, Assignments and Feedback x 8 Astrology Courses
  • Astrology Business Mentoring - 4 x 1 hour mentoring sessions
  • Review of your Astrology Services Page

Optional Add-On

Add-On a premium Brand Identity from Pisces Creative Co -

let's co-create your soulful brand identity for your new astrology business!


Normally $2197 - only $1997USD


*must be paid upfront and clients are scheduled on a first in basis starting from mid-March 2022.

JE Paper-notebooks
JE Envelopes-with-Liners

Jen Ems

I am SO happy I listened to my intuition and googled “Business Astrologer”!  It led me straight to Kath and her Embodied Soul Academy, which I eagerly signed up for.

Knowing next to nothing about astrology, I have learned so much from Kath, I honestly can’t believe how far I’ve come in my knowledge. I now have my own astrology-based business and could not be more grateful!

Kath’s course flows in a way that you pick up bits of info that embed in your subconscious & comes out impressing people (and yourself!).

She combines logic & intuition seamlessly and I am so grateful I chose her to lead me on my astrology journey!


"What I love about Kathryn's work is that she understands energetics which makes her an incredible guide and support for creating flow and abundance. Kathryn's work is profound, comprehensive, and beautiful."

Nisha Moodley

Women's Leadership Coach & Founder of Global Sisterhood Day

Level 1

Training Schedule

Date Topic
Self-study Your Soulful Year 2022
March 2022 Foundations of Astrology
April 2022 Your Astrological Signature (Sun, Moon & Rising)
May 2022 Your Astrological Style (Mercury, Venus & Mars)
June 2022 Your Astrological Substance (Jupiter & Saturn)
Early-Late July 2022 Catch up & Integrate
Late July-Mid August 2022 Your Astrological Soul (Neptune, Pluto, Uranus & Chiron)
Late August- End September 2022 Your Astrological Purpose (Lunar Nodes & Career Zone)
October 2022 Astrology Abundance
November 2022 Intuitive & Insightful Chart Reading
Kathryn Hocking - Retouched 06
M.S High Res 19

"Kathryn is a soul seer who truly understands the significance of a woman launching herself in the world. From calling forth your wildest vision to recalibrating your right to receive, Kathryn will lovingly guide you into your highest energies, so you can rock your soul work and make sure it reaches those who are waiting for it. Expect to channel some straight-up spiritual truth, earthly support and Kathryn’s own blend of powerful energetic release."

Melissa Sandon

Creator of the Soul Medicine Academy


But why learn


According to Yahoo Finance, Astrology was one of four of the fastest growing sectors in 2020.

Astrology, an ancient science, has experienced a massive resurgence in recent times and become a more socially acceptable practice.

The Astrology sector has more than tripled (209 per cent) since 2015, and has risen 127 per cent in the past year alone.

My Astrology business has continued to grow throughout the COVID pandemic, with my calendar generally booked out weeks in advance. I have clients that return again and again to gain insights into their astrology and how it is impacting their life.

How to use Astrology as a...

If you work in branding or design, you can use astrology to create a brand or design work that is in true alignment with their natal blueprint. This means that their brand and website or design will communicate the core of who they are, how they help people and will attract their soul clients.

If you are a business coach, you can look at a client’s chart to identify who their soul clients are, what people are attracted to about them, how they can best make money and what their core strengths and talents are.

Kind Words from the Current Cohort


"I was so excited to enrol in this wonderful Astrology course, it has been an amazing learning curve, I did not realise how much I would also learn about myself as well as learning about Astrology. Kathryn is more than a lecturer, she cares about her students and helps you to understand the wonderful world of Astrology."

Sharon Hespe, Naturopath

Ellen_Holzschuster_Astrologer for Soulbusiness_2021

"I love Kathryn's unique and stylish approach to Astrology. Especially the fact how she combines it with Business Astrology. It's a really insightful and rich program which I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who wants to learn Astrology in easy and understandable English! Thank you so much Kathryn."

Ellen Holzschuster, Astrology Mentor

Astrology biz incubator lady 1

Kathryn is an engaging teacher. She caters to different learning styles by providing audio, visual, and printed material.

The way Kathryn teaches flows and makes so much sense.

It is like she is taking you on an incredible journey full of wonder and delight. I am thoroughly enjoying the learnings that I am receiving.

Belinda Yates


"My journey in understanding astrology finally had a breakthrough thanks to Kathryn's courses.

Now going through the Level 1 Business Astrology course gives me the opportunity to confidently use these tools with my clients.

I can't wait to help them on an even deeper level using astrology".

Sarah Shoop, trainer


"Kath is a patient and nurturing teacher of astrology. She really cares about her students and wants to make sure they know how to apply astrology into their daily lives and businesses."

Cate Cook, beauty blogger


My Style

in my clients own words...

"Kathryn is such an amazing, soulful business woman. I'm always in awe of her professionalism and thoroughness but she's also so grounded and practical. As a mentor and teacher, she really has that rare combination. Work with her, you'll be glad you did."

Denise Duffield - thomas

author of Chillpreneur,

Denise 22

"Kath brings a really robust perspective to my existing astrology knowledge and her intuitive insights add a brilliant layer.

Her way of teaching is clear and thorough but never overwhelming.The resources she provides are not only beautiful but give a really great way to check back in with the material.

The biggest thing I’ve gained studying astrology with Kath has been gaining a deeper understanding about myself in a business setting and having Kath's support to be brave and align my business to my soul's desires.

You'll get a solid and straightforward basis to understand the inner workings of astrology taught by someone deeply passionate about it."




Want in?

Your next step: Secure your limited place

Due to the intensive nature of this program, I am limited to how many clients I can support in the Saturn & Jupiter levels.

Places for advanced support levels are limited to an intimate group so don't delay securing your place.

Kathryn Hocking - Retouched 38

Refund Policy

Refunds are not provided for this program

Due to the high touch nature of this program, access to all my courses as well as the sending of a gift package - refunds are not provided.

Change of mind is not a valid reason for the refund and they will only be provided in line with South Australian consumer law in the situation where the offering is shown to be not as described, fit for purpose or misleading.

I ask that you consider your purchase carefully, fully commit yourself and I will support you 110% in achieving your goals as they relate to this program.


If you are not sure if this training is right for you or just want to see how we connect in person

(I get it - the vibe is so important!),

Just fill out the application form or email me at and I'll be in touch.

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